
~Everything in it's place, that's what I've always said.~

Autumn Image -- Winter Image

Name: Ao
Bond: None
Origin: May Dragon Exchange (Drawn by Phoenix)
Current Residence: No Fixed Residence
Stage: Adult
Sex: Female
Species: Forest Guardian
Size: Small
Height: 10'
Length: 18'
Abilities: Shape-Shifting (to various forest animals, as well as human), Plant Growth/Healing
Appearance: Ao is a pretty little scaled lady--think nice smooth snake-scales. In the spring and summer, these scales are a verdant green and earthly brown. As the year progresses, the scales begin to fade to dusky browns and autumnal oranges. With winter, Ao's appearance is snow-white, as can only be expected! The horns on her back and elbows/heels are somewhat tacky to the touch, as if they produce a kind of sap, and smell pleasantly of springtime flowers.
She is a shapeshifter, which means that she can transform into any woodland creature and takes on the appearance perfectly (if she turns into a bunny, she turns into a brown or grey one, but certainly not green!). She also has a single humanoid form, and in this form she resembles something like a dryad, and her colouration in this form varies according to season. In this form she's filled out and busty, a veritable Mother Nature-like figure.
(Edited from Phoenix's description!)
Personality: To be filled out later!
Locale/TitlePre-Flight StoryMateFlight StoryHatching Story

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Star City Dragonry is copyright (c) Terry Lynn Massey.