Dracothrope Goes to Cy Dragonstake


Dracothrope stared up.

And up.

Damn, that was a big tower... and this coming from a person who lived in one of the most giigantic stations of commerce in the Nexus and known galaxy! She stood at the base of Cy Dragonstake's massive, central pinacle, and scratched the back of her head.

Then snickered, dirty-minded as she was, equating the tower with less savory objects.

Even though the drastically altered young woman was easily entertained, her original mission was quick to drag her attention back to the quest at hand.

Baby-snatching time!

~I don't see why you keep calling it that!~ Oanaa'vayn chirruped, fluttering her rainbow wings. Bkok, one of her newest aquisitions, clucked from the back of the fae-hippogryph's back. ~I mean, 'baby-snatching'? Do you really think anyone's going to allow you within fifty metres of their sands or bays or whathaveyou, let alone near their children?~ She made a 'chrrrr'ing noise that Dracothrope'd come to associate as a chortle/giggling noise.

"Hey!" The anthropomorphic girl replied, a hand raised. "Call it by whatever euphamism you like! It's all the same: you go in, grab a young'n, and drag them back home to love them and care for them and feed them lots of raw meat and ramen."


"That's right, Bkok!"

~Whatever you say, you nut.~ Oanaa' fluttered her frilly wings again. ~While you go and weasel your way into this place, I'm going to go to that lake over there! Look at all of those dragons! It's like they have nothing else to do but sit around and gooooooossip! Funfun!~ With that, she took to the air, the black chicken-gryphon-thing on her back crowing all the way.

Dracothrope, in the meantime, gave one last, head-craning look at the dragon-sized tower, and made her tiny way inside.


"You what?" G*non asked, his amber eyes hooded, an arm propping his head up over his desk. The dragonstake had been unusually quiet after that god forsaken bipedra hatching, and for once he had time to relax... well, a little, anyways. Life didn't seem to stop throwing little pieces of garbage at him, one way or another. Take this person... thing standing opposite him. Dracothrope was holding out a wallet with a badge of some kind, apparently a "Star City Ministry of Flights and Hatchings representative". She'd come here for the latest clutch, of course...

"I was hoping to sponsor one of Euphony and Chobizam's children, if at all possible, sir," she repeated, smartly. She flipped her little badge thing closed and shoved the whole wallet into the pocket from whence it came. "The pair of them are known to have originated from my home station, and I'd like to bring back one of the children so that they can gain worldly experience!"

G*non snorted inwardly. 'Worldly experience' indeed! He'd seen enough loafers and vagabonds to catch on to their antics. This Dracothor-- Dracothro-- whatever her bloody name was, she was trouble. He couldn't explain just how, but he could sense it. Let's just say that his Headknight senses were tingling. He leaned back in his chair and raised his arms behind his head, giving the representative an almost-apologetic look. "Well," said he, "I'd like to let you take one of them away, but I doubt any of them will survive without a good, strong mental bond." His lips twitched up as Dracothrope's smile faltered. Aha, now she'd get out of his office and bugger off. Why couldn't Cy attract more responsible candidates? Oh well.

That was when the modified human's expression perked up again. "You'd prefer bonders, eh?" she asked. G*non nodded, immediately suspicious again. "Alright, I'll send in one of my very best."

Dracothrope gave the Headknight a polite bow, then sauntered out of the office, her tail swishing jauntily behind her. As soon as she was out of hearing distance, she raised her hands to head-level and cackled. Oh, this would be good.


"Bok?" The chicken was standing in the chair opposite G*non, head tilted, bird-like, as its black eyes pierced into the Headknight's own. "Bkok!"

"I can't believe I'm doing this," poor G*non said, giving the 'candidate' a look so mixed that one would be hard pressed to tell just what he was thinking. "You're sure this is a sentient... chicken?" G*non asked.

Dracothrope, from behind Bkok's chair, gave a pleasant nod. "Oh, he sure is, sir. He's one of my best. Just wait until he bonds, you'll see."

"Buk." added Bkok.

G*non, stifling a snort and a choice word or two, pointed them in the direction of candidate housing. What a day.

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