The Travels of an Old Priest

Arriving at Ryslen

The Story So Far

Finatrevaillent Sesscatiem has been a faithful priest to Life and Order for as long as he can remember. He started his training more then two centuries ago on his home-planet, where the wars that had torn his homelands apart were finally coming to an end. When the time came that he received the full fledged honors of becoming a priest, Fin' was ready to take on the world... and more.

In the time-span between then and when Fin' arrived on Atu, he had managed to pick up quite a number of tricks, had gone through many dilemmas and had come out the other side all the better, and with more experience. Within that time, the priest had already begun to spread his teachings to others... disciples of his continue to spread the virtues of Life and Order on many worlds, in many dimensions. One of those disciples was a cross-breed dragoness, Jascadei Jariane, a fiery girl who had more skills then sense. Fin' had managed to teach her everything that he knew, but she was (stubbornly or otherwise) unable to achieve full priesthood due to her vile social skills, and her inability to respect both sides of the scales of life.

Fin' decided to remedy this in the best way he knew how: he brought Jascadei back in time to the Ring of Fire, and required of her to learn and perhaps even befriend one of the many undead (if not necessarily evil) dragons that were clutching there. As it turned out, the young dragoness ended up bonding, herself... and so Finatrevaillent decided stay with her and watch as her life unfolded with her young dragon, and to see if she would then become ready to take on the title of priestess, finally.

In the time that her own dragon grew to adulthood, Fin' watched with the satisfaction that only a teacher can as Jascadei learned the toughest lessons of all... and by the time that the two young dragons were released from the Ring of Fire's classes, the Life priest was ready to assign them a first, true mission. He would take them where there was trouble, and let them have at it. So, to start their journey, he sent them to Nidus Ryslen, the center of activity between many different worlds and realms. And here they still are... Jascadei and her bond working to solve a mystery of their own, and Fin' left with time on his claws. This, then, is where his story begins!


Perhaps by chance, or perhaps by the will of the Founders, Finatrevaillent Sesscatiem found himself near Ryslen's warm, red sands. It was a welcome change from the outdoors, certainly. Old bones like his didn't care much for the freezing cold of deep winter, nor did old scales protect very well from the stinging snow. Not that Fin' was the type to complain... after all, it had been his idea to start his ex-students off at Ryslen, and... well, he didn't have to be out of doors, on the trail of a malicious spectre, not like Jascadei (bless her heart) and Adlaith were right now. Perhaps it was just the inherent warmth of the hatching cavern that called to the Miscelem Elemental, or maybe... just maybe, there was something more that waited for him here. He could never be sure, as the Founders worked in strange and wonderful ways.

Carefully, the large beast padded down through the tiers, coming as close to the sands as was polite, returning glares of broody mothers with a calm and steady gaze. Just because he wasn't trapped in an egg, didn't mean that he couldn't share in the warmth! He came to a stop on the lowest tier, the gold staff he carried clicking with finality as he settled himself into a restful stance. If anyone came and asked him to leave, he would, of course, but for now he was simply happy to bask in the heat.

The priest wasn't the only one in the hatching chambers, aside from the mothers and their eggs... far from it! A small group of what he assumed were novos were treading quickly over the sands-proper, directed from a distance by an elder human... most likely the Decurio. A man after man own heart, Fin' thought cheerfully to himself. Here was a man that gave his days to teaching, to helping his students care for the lives of others... The priest had nothing but respect for him or any other teacher in the same field. It was, after all, difficult to take on so many students at once, and manage to train them all with any degree of closeness.

The blue-scaled priest thought about this for a moment. He'd taken no more then one or two disciples at a time over his life--true, what he taught was different from what these Decurios and Weyrlingmasters taught, and yet...

Branch out.

He couldn't possibly take on more then one or two at a time, not with the time and energy they demanded. The life of a priest was hard work: one had to travel constantly, expect danger at every turn, and watch for those who would rather see chaos reign. Teaching at the same time as doing all of this... he was getting much too old to even think about it, and yet...

Branch out. Teach more.

Fin' paused in his ruminations and blinked his little black eyes. The thought had come in the voice of his own mind, but it had come clearly, clearly enough to have been spoken from over his shoulder. Surely it must be the voice of the Founders! The priest grasped his staff a little tighter, and took a deep breath. It had been decades since the spirit of a Founder had ridden him, had spoken to him so clearly. Aside from the prayer that Fin' had given his gods every day, he had expected little, if anything, to be returned to him. But here it was. He sighed gently and closed his eyes, his greying muzzle still held high and his posture still erect, but his mind drifting now, quietly. Softly.

You bring us many students to the disciple Finatrevaillent, his own voice spoke in his thoughts, though the priest knew that it wasn't his own. The poetic language belonged to the Founders; rarely was he able to think with such fluidity. He waited for more, and soon had it. Your name spreads widely on the tongues of your young priests and on them, ours too. For this we owe you. Bring to us a child of grace and reward is yours.

He waited for more, but nothing came. By this point, the candidates on the sands were gone, leaving the eggs to their mothers. The Decurio was not in sight, either, but Fin' was certain that all of them would be back soon enough. Now he pondered the Founder's words. Bring them a child? Like a sacrifice?--No no, that couldn't be it. Fin' had never been required to perform a sacrifice before, and certainly not using an innocent child! And what was this about a reward? He had no need for any reward... the small amounts of magic energy that the Founders bled for him were more then enough to thrive. And how could he possibly earn the favor of gods with only the small work that he had done? He had urged no campaigns, had not preached to any but those who wanted to hear it. Maybe other Priests were speaking his name and those of the Founders... but that shouldn't be enough to bring reward. Unless... unless his work really was tilting the balance in favor of Order and Life... but that was so absurd that he dismissed it out of hand. The scales always favored chaos, and a mere speck like him could do nothing but hope to preserve the flickering flame of what he believed in. Peace, happiness, and safety from those that served the other side of the scales...

He would have to think about this.


It had taken him two days to decipher what he could of the Founders' message, and still he was only going by guesswork. It made enough sense... he was at Ryslen on the occasion of one of their large events, and the Founders had spoken to him to take in more students. So... putting things together, obviously he ought to stand for the large clutch, wasn't that so? Or perhaps he was just stumbling into the Nidus like he had back on Atu. Perhaps he would meet, on chance, another bright young dragonet like Jascadei... the Founders had all but led him through that particular endeavor, after all. At least, that's what he'd always believed.

Whatever the case might be, Fin' decided to try to find one of the Nidus' Capios, and to ask them if he could be accepted. It didn't seem like he would be able to stroll into the hatching like he had in Driolo...

First, the priest expected to get a meal from the lower caverns. He came through the outdoor exit, shook off a layer of half-melted slush that had gathered along his back and in the whisker-fine scales on his head, and looked about the room. It had been snowing for the past two days, the fine stuff never quite letting up. It wasn't the pleasant kind of snow, either, and so most of the residents of the Nidus who weren't cooped up in their own rooms were down here, talking and playing games and looking after children and doing repair-work... it was like an unofficial town gather. Fin' felt instantly at ease in the warm gabble of the vaulting cavern. Even if he spent most of his time alone, traveling, he enjoyed most to see people coming together with light hearts, as most were here, today. Admittedly, the priest usually felt more at ease in lands where humans weren't the dominant species... (many of them seemed to see him as nothing more then an over-evolved pack-animal, while others grew nervous at his large size and reptilian shape.) but today, he would push aside any stares or glares with calm acceptance... as long as he could get himself a quick meal!

Fin' joined a line of people who were waiting to serve themselves back near the hearths, and peered down the queue to the heavy pots. There might be food more suited to him--raw things, meat and vegetable--but then again, there might only be the stews and porridges that humans seemed to rely on throughout winter months. Either way, he would come away happy...

While the priest waited for his turn, he watched the people in the cavern. It was easy to pick out those who worked here from the riders and other residents: while most people chatted and leaned on their stools with a leisurely grace, others hurried from table to table, clearing away dishes and mopping up the snow that got trudged in. Everyone from the lower caverns was busy today, even (no, especially) the Headwoman. In fact, at this moment she was moving quickly down Fin's line, checking to see if everything was moving along at a swift enough pace. She passed the priest and glanced up at him briefly--he bowed his head, of course, and got a surprisingly warm smile in return for it. And then she was on her way again--or would be, if the man who'd been approaching her hadn't taken that opportunity to sweep her up in a tight embrace.

"Oh, D'run, you're freezing!" she exclaimed, as the man took her hands in his. He was wearing winter riding gear, Fin' noticed, and the fine dusting of powder on his leather jacket and scarf, not to mention the frost encrusting his riding goggles made it obvious that he'd just come from outside. "Where did you come from this time?"

The man made a show of warming up his hands, shivering and all, and while the Headwoman chided him for staying out for so long, there was tenderness in her voice, and much merriment. Finally the man spoke, and his voice was just as kind. "Off world again, Cy Dragonstake, with Toshi this time..."

The Headwoman clucked and shook a finger at him. "You're supposed to be searching for novos, not helping young women in their clandestine affairs!"

"We were searching for novos, and you know I'm no matchmaker!" D'run replied, grinning. Fin' listened all the more closely: Novos? Then this must be one of the Capios that he was after! And right in front of him! Guided by the Founders, no doubt!

The Headwoman was about to reply, when the priest took a step away from the line, bowing to the pair of them. "Excuse me," he interrupted, "but may I ask a favor of you, Capio D'run?"

The humans glanced at each other, and the Headwoman threw up her hands. "Go ahead, I've got too much work to be sweet talking an old man like this anyhow." She winked at her partner (for he couldn't be anything else, Fin' figured) and scuttled away, back to work.

D'run put his hands on his hips and looked up at the priest, a polite grin on his face. "How can I help you, then?" he asked, not fumbling for a title or searching for a name. He seemed like a good man, comfortable enough to talk to a creature that was neither human nor quite dragon. Fin' appreciated that. "Like I said, I was wondering if I could ask a favor of you, or more appropriately, of your dragon."

The Capio nodded almost immediately, his grin turning from simply polite to honestly friendly. "Ah, looking to be searched?"

Fin' bowed his head in assent, and the many scales sprouting from his head fell about his muzzle with the motion. "Indeed, for the large clutch on your sands."

Already D'run was pulling his gloves back on and moving through the crowd, towards the outer doors. "Good enough..." He chuckled and checked to make sure that Fin' was following him. "It's always so much easier when the Novos come to you, you know!" He chuckled. "Ah, Okserth waiting outside, right this way."

And they were out in the whirling snow again, Fin' as unprotected as the poor blue who had come winging in for a landing only moments ago. The dragon looked from his rider to the priest, taking a tentative step forward. Even though Fin' towered over most humans, he was still nowhere near as large as most dragons... he was dwarfed by Okserth, although he wasn't intimidated. He'd spoken with and even trained others just as large as this dragon! When the blue came close enough to sniff at the priest, Fin' held his ground, giving every appearance of outward calm. Within his mind, of course, he prayed to the Founders to let the dragon see in him what they saw in novos... and he wasn't disappointed.

"Well then," D'run said, his voice coming a moment after Okserth's muzzle retreated. "You show a little potential... not as much as many novos, mind you, so I wouldn't get my hopes up terribly far."

Fin' nodded, and then, "may I still stand for the clutch?"

"Of course, certainly," the Capio replied, puffs of white breath issuing from his mouth. "I'm just warning you not to expect a dazzling dragon."

Not that I'm looking for a dazzling dragon, Fin thought. Only a dragon who shows the grace that the Founders are looking for...

When Fin' told D'run as much, (at least of the first part) the human smiled. "It's novos like you that make my job easy, Fina...."

"Fin' is enough," the priest supplied, and D'run chuckled. "All right, Fin'. Well, let me talk to the proper authorities to make everything official. And let's get out of this snow! It's colder then Between out here!"

And that was all that it took for Fin' to find himself standing, a novo, on Ryslen sands. In all of his years, he'd never expected such a thing to happen... but then again, with the help of the Founders, anything could happen.

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Star City Dragonry is copyright (c) Terry Lynn Massey.