Rrx Kaltayr

~There are many paths through life, though most lead to ruin and despair. Only those few find the paths that lead to true happiness.~

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Name: Rrx Kaltayr
Bonded at: Star City
Bonded to: Blue-Black SCD Mutt Sanodie
Age: Many, many years.
Sex: Neuter (Denotes self as Female)
Species: Whisp (Benign)
Height: 2'
Hair: n/a
Skin: Faintly glowing white
Eyes: Similar to body
Father: n/a
Mother: Rx Kaltayr
Origin: Wilds, Atu
Physical Description: Rrx is an interesting creature, being a native to Atu's wilds. 'She' (though she really has no gender, and reproduces asexually) is a whisp out of myth. A small, ghost-like creature, she only stands a couple of feet tall at her tallest. Her features are hard to describe, for they're hard to distinguish in the first place. On first glance she appears as a ball of glowing, flickering light, and after that, not much changes. If one can manage to hold her in their vision (this is usually only possible by watching her from the corner of one's eye) for long enough, she takes on the features of a very small, child-like biped. At all times she exudes a faint white glow that can be dampened to brightened as she sees fit.
Personality: For a whisp, Rrx is unusually polite and helpful. Most of her kind are mischievious, preferring to lead their chosen victims into traps, or getting them into worse circumstances then usual. Rrx, on the other hand, tends to use this technique only on the food she wants to eat. True... she may have started out like your typical whisp, but over the decades, she's decided that guiding lost travellers back to safety is much more rewarding... it would help, of course, if those who she were trying to help would actually follow her directions!s

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