
~I can be anything you want me to be, my dear... just come a little closer.~

Name: Succubus
Bond: None
Gift From: Serpent's Reach, Caesius Draco's Giveaway
Current Residence: Star City
Stage: Adult
Sex: Female
Species: Demon Dragon (Succubus)
Size: Varies (Is naturally intangible)
Height: Varies
Length: Varies
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Abilities: Summon demon (Lv. 4. Through use of blood magic. /Lots/ of blood magic.), Illusion (Lv. 5), Shroud of Darkness (Lv. 2)
Appearance: Because this dragon has no true tangible form, she takes the appearance of the deepest fantasy of whatever male she's trying to ensnare. She can be anyone, anything, anywhere. She does not eat physical food, but rather drains energy from the male during mating. She must eat monthly not to be hungry. After three months, she will have trouble maintaining a physical form and will be suffering from heavy starvation. After two full months have passed, she must regain her energy through actual bloodletting during mating.
If and when she has a clutch, she will not likely stay and guard it, since she would have to leave to mate again to eat anyway. However, her shapeshifting nature can pass on to her offspring. So, she could very well mate with a Pernese and lay a clutch of xenos, or vice versa, or a mixture of both.
Personality: To be filled out later.
Locale/TitlePre-Flight StoryMateFlight StoryHatching Story

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Star City Dragonry is copyright (c) Terry Lynn Massey.