
"What? What are you asking me for?"

Name: Tilin
Bond: Blue Veneth
Bonded At: Weyr Eriol's Backwards Frenzy
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Species: Human
Height: 5' 10"
Skin: Warm brown
Hair: Light Coffee Brown
Eyes: Dark Earth Brown
Origin: Pern
Current Residence: Star City
Physical Description: Tilin is a rather average person: he's of medium height, with brown-tanned skin, light brown shoulder-length hair, and dark eyes. Athletic of build, there isn't really much that sets him apart from other Native Pern Southerners. He prefers light colours and light clothing, and is most often found in shorts and a loose tunic.
Personality: Tilin is mild-mannered to the extreme. He will refuse to give advice to anyone, or pass judgement, having been raised with the expectation that his twin, Talin, would do all of the talking for both. While he isn't much for talking, he's all about physical activity. He's got a lot of energy, and when he isn't doing manual labour, he's busy playing sports. Swimming is among one of his most cherished hobbies, and he hasn't yet missed a day where he goes down at six o'clock exactly for a lap or three in the nearest ocean or lake. He has a thing with punctuality and daily rituals, and hates to be disrupted or made late. He has a hard time being comfortable in situations he doesn't expect himself to be in: sudden loud noises, for instance, make him very skittish when they come out of nowhere, while he's fine around cheering crowds.


~Oh, no problem! Just come back and ask if you need anything else, okay?~

Weyrling Image ~ Hatchling Image

Name: Veneth
Bond: Tilin
Hatched at: Weyr Eriol's Backwards Frenzy, Circle One (b)
Current Residence: Star City
Stage: Adult
Sex: Male
Species: Blue Old-World Dragon
Size: Tiny
Height: 18' 1"
Length: 26' 2"
Physical Description: Veneth is tiny in comparison to other Pernese dragons, though being a blue, that's not to be unexpected. He has a sturdy build, powerful periwinkle blue wings, and a blueberry-rich hide. Like all Pernese dragons, he has multifaceted, opalescant eyes that change colour with his mood. Usually they swirl with contented shades of blue, and are tinged with jovial shades of green.
Personality: For a blue, and a small one at that, Veneth has a lot of respectability. He has that tone of voice that people like to listen to, words that are usually helpful, and orginal ideas. He seems to know just about everything, from relationships to flight tactics, to cooking times to fashion trends, and is more then happy to answer peoples questions or dole out advice. He can be very commanding, and if someone else of equal respectability but opposite opinion opposes him, he can get incredibly stubborn. He's the kind of dragon that will take an argument into blows for what he believes in, though he rarely finds anyone that disagreeable with him. While his bond is laid-back, Veneth would prefer to take a leadership role... too bad he doesn't have the bulk to back his ambitions.
Locale/TitlePre-Flight StoryMateFlight StoryHatching Story
Brown Ahimith
Brown Chimith
Bronze Knovath
Teal-Blue-White Konath
Green Lonath
Green Meresekth
Green Neresekth
Blue Reneth
Green Sekth
Bronze Snovath
White Tlineath
White-Blue Tlineth
Blue-White Tliniith
Blue Veneth
Brown Yhimith
Old-World Blue Soliath
Bronze Zanith
Gold Tracinth
Old-World Pale Gold Flynnth
Bronze Orieneteth
Gold Zyranth

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Star City Dragonry is copyright (c) Terry Lynn Massey.