Xehcken Dancer

"Honey, just because I dress like a woman, doesn't mean I'm not more of a man then you can stand."

Read Xehcken's Story

Name: Xehcken (Gryphon) Dancer
Bonded At: Aduro Aerie, Serpent's Reach Isle
Bond: Blue Gryphon Eiriok
Age: 24 (at bonding) 26 (current age)
Sex: Male
Species: Human
Height: 6' 3"
Hair: Black, shoulder-length and permed
Skin: Pale White
Eyes: Black
Origin: Star City, Nexus
Physical Description: While Xehcken dresses always in feminine clothing, and paints his face very convincingly, no one for a moment would expect him to be anything other then a cross-dressing man. It's his height that gives him away: towering over his other troupe-mates at six foot three, big-boned and deep-voiced, there's no way for him to pass himself off as a woman. Not that he wants people to believe that he is, or even that he prefers men in his bed, he just enjoys dressing up as something that he isn't. He often keeps his kinked hair in a loose bun at the back of his head, though inevitably a few strands will escape here and there. His favorite colour is pale blue, and dresses almost exclusively in it. A constant accessory of his is a snap-open fan, which he uses to fan himself when distressed, or simply playing at being distressed.
Personality: His part in the group has always been to play the fool. In real life, Xehcken is quite intelligent, and always has something witty to say. He enjoys the consternation he causes when other people first see him--or rather, hear him, and just loves to blow peoples' pre-formed judgements out the window. A bit of a suck sometimes, Xehcken can put on a convincingly good weepy show. Before he joined the Golden Crows (Now called the Gryphon Dancers), he was able to cause people to give over their own possessions by convincing them that he was in dire straits. Now he uses those unique abilities to bring an element of believability to his troupe's show. He can and does often bring attention to himself as the fool, lightening the tone of a performance when things grow dark or serious.


Listen. If you guys aren't going to go out and make me some money, then what are you going to do? Do I have to give you pep-talks every time something bad happens?

Young Image

Name: Eiriok
Bond: Xehcken Dancer
Hatched at: Aduro Aerie, Serpent's Reach
Current Residence: Tripaldi Weyr, Avian Dome
Stage: Adult
Sex: Male
Species: Blue Gryphon
Size: Medium
Height: 11' 5"
Length: 23'
Physical Description: Eiriok is like most traditional gryphons in shape: he has the lionic hind end, complete with a dark brown, sparsely tufted tail and tawny fur. He has a predatorial beak, feathered wings, and sharp talons for forefeet, though his plumage is a rich, deep blue, and it hints at violet when the light hits it just right. His beak is warm orange, though his forearms and talons are pitch black. His crimson eyes are set below two tufts of ear-feathers.
Personality: Eiriok is one of the types who wants to have their cake and eat it too... along with someone else's! While he has a deep love for all of the dancers, and Xehcken in particular, he tends to want more and more of everything, from food to all of the luxuries that Xehcken can afford. Perhaps one of the reasons Eiriok wants so much out of life can be attributed to his belief that it will always be there. One thing Eiriok will never lose is hope, and that goes for everything. Whenever the dancers are down, he's always there to remind them of the optimistic outcomes still possible, and that there's always still a chance.
Locale/TitleMateFlight StoryHatching Story
Tripaldi's Avian FrenzyXidaver Gamma-Flower Black ArrelHereBonding Ceremony 1
Tripaldi's Avian FrenzyTripaldi Red-Brown RifonaHereBonding Ceremony 1
Aduro Aerie Blue Avarix
Aduro Aerie Blue Eiriok
Aduro Aerie Gold Dekaix
Aduro Aerie Grey Desiah
Aduro Aerie Red Irask
Aduro Aerie Red Salax
Aduro Aerie Green Zeloarah
Aduro Aerie Black Aeriax
Aduro Aerie Gold Kaeriah
Gamma-Flower-Black ArrelBlue-Grey Garin ArriokBlue-Green Odava Arriok
Red-Brown RifonaBlue-Red Noreax Riforiok
Blue-Tan Horfanz Riforiok

Neya and Vulture-Hyena Gryphon Dahmshe
Myxckon and Cockatoo-Cougar Gryphon Deyohofahze
Cyactin and Red Gryphon Irask
Cepeo and Cockatoo-Cougar Gryphon Kohoyochibiashe
Orotan and Green Gryphon Zeloarah

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