
"You're nothing but a waste of my time."

Read Jiora' Story

Name: Jiora
Hatched at: Second Cy Apocalypse Clutch
Age: Hatchling
Sex: Female
Species: Xenodragon-Hathian
Height: 2' 4"
Type: Drone (Omega rank)
Colour: Black
Dam: Copper-Black Ofeross (Queen Xenodragon)
Sire Blood Red Mortarius (Hathian)
Physical Description: Jiora's body appears to be coated with a highly reflective layer of black chitin , though in bright light a spackling of red and brown is revealed, which covers her from head to barbed tail-tip. Unlike true xeno-dragons, Jiora's body does not display the usual armor plating. Instead it is covered with tiny, Hathian-style scales. Only her shoulders show any plating, and this is also due to her Hathian heritage. Her wings, inky black as her body, sprout from her forelimbs, and are ragged-edged.
Jiora's head, unlike the rest of her body, is purely xenodragon. Where her eyes would be, she has the distinctive drone-style carapace. Lacking lips, her mouth is frozen in a feral grin. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, her second pair of jaws are hidden from view by her many sharp teeth.
Personality: If there's anything that Jiora hates, it's to be denied what she wants. She takes what she desires, and if anyone gets in her way, they'd better prey that she finish them off quickly. More independant then most drones, she is not happy serving a queen through coersion. She must be convinced that it was her idea to join with a hive, or else she won't stick around for long.