
"If it's not one thing, it's always another!"

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Read Maohli's Story

Name: Maohli
Bonded At: Darkling Dawn
Bonded To: Jasperth and Emeraldth
Age: 18 (16 at Impression)
Rank: Dragon Rider
Sex: Female
Species: Human
Height: 6' 1"
Skin: Deeply tanned olive
Hair: Dirty blonde, braided and reaching to her lower back.
Eyes: Muddy brown
Father Figure: Odyi (blue rider)
Mother: Lararu (green rider)
Siblings: 1 sister (fostered at Igen Hold)
Place of Birth: Igen Weyr
Physical Description: Maohli is a huge girl, standing at over 6' tall. With a ox-like build, she looks fully capable of lifting a great deal of weight; her mass is mostly composed of muscle. She's more handsome then pretty, though her long, dark blonde hair looks quite beautiful when it's hanging loose around her waist. Her skin, which has lost a little of its original tan since arriving at Darkling Dawn a couple of years ago, none the less is still quite a deep olive colour. Her eyes, which are an intermediate shade of brown, along with her rather flat nose and pale lips, lead to a plain-looking face, but she smiles a lot, which helps to brighten her features. She still prefers the customary Igen garb over the local clothing: long and flowing, light coloured garments which cinch closed around the arms, waist, neck and legs, as well as a broad-brimmed hat on sunny days.
Personality: Having raised two dragons from hatchlings to adult-hood has taught Maohli patience, determination, and leadership skills like no other experience could. Originally a rather self-centered, stubborn creature, she's gained the understanding that some things come before her own wants. She enjoys having a quiet moment or two, but when work needs to get done, she is incredibly focused. She's very straight forward with her opinions, though of course she avoids hurting others if there's no reason for it. Maohli's attention is often caught up with either one dragon or another, so while she has developped great 'dragon sense', she's also come to appreciate the company of other humans and rider-folk.

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