Flight 06
(Qutteth's Flight Story)
If Mandragora and Qutteth had found the world that they'd had their accident and subsequent repair and recovery strange, then Star City was off the deep end of normal. When they'd arrived, they'd been greeted and made arrangements for by people who'd announced themselves as Alabaster representatives. Apparently the company had already gained a foothold in this place. Not that either of the dragon-rider pair were complaining: the space station had turned out to be far from simplistic in design, and it was nice to have a tour-guide, not to mention one of the high-end weyrs-- er, hotel rooms. They'd also had a visit from the "Minister of Flights and Hatchings," a woman who looked like she'd had a run-in with a cat-happy plastic surgeon. The Minister had taken fully half a minute of gawking up at Qutteth before she could call her attention back to the queen-rider. "...Welcome to Star City," she'd said, giving the huge dragon another glance, "both of you. I've recieved word that you're planning on flying here?" "That was part of our deal, yes," Mandragora nodded, amused that the cat-woman's obvious awe was directed at her rather natural dragon, instead of at her highly altered body. "Alright, good. I'm Siche, by the way... and you're Qutteth and Mandragora?" When the human woman nodded again, the Minister continued. "Excellent. I assume you're new here-- we've had a lot of offworlders flying and clutching here lately-- so here's the lay down. Firstly, I've heard that in other places, dragons just fly whenever they feel like it... here you need a permit, but that can be obtained easily. I'll be assigning you two to one of the Flight gates on the lower levels-- I'm sorry," she looked up again at the great yellow-gold, "the gate might be a bit of a squeeze for you. We haven't had any dragons quite as large as you in a very long time." She murred and flipped open a little hand-held notebook, and pulled out a stylus. "Right, well you two have reservations to be flying out of gate 48-b, and if you'd like directions, I can send you a copy, or a guide if you'd like that?" One ear twitched forward as she looked up from her notebook. Mandragora let a smile slip, "I've got a pretty good memory, all I need are directions, but thanks."
"Perfect. Let me know of any special arrangements that either of you'll need, and I can provide them for you." Siche let a smile of her own colour her grey muzzle, though this one was more sly then polite. "And here's to an entertaining flight!"
![]() The day of Qutteth's flight, itself, did not dawn bright. Nor did it dawn dark. In fact, it did not dawn at all. The lighting in the station did not so much as dim on the commercial decks Mangragora's hotel room was on between "day" and "night", though there was a "day shift" and a "night shift". As it went, though, Qutteth was quite ready when the day shift began on the day of her flight, her hide already starting to glow with anticipation, and she and Mandragora made their somewhat hasty way to flight deck 48-b. Mandragora didn't have to check the directions more than once, thanks to their Alabaster tour guide's help finding it earlier. It wouldn't do to get lost, not with both of them so excited already. The gate was, indeed, very small. Qutteth even had to keep her head low and wings folded to walk down the tunnel leading to it, and gave the opening she was supposed to launch herself from a very dubious look. Mandragora giggled at the disdain coming from the queen's mind. ::How am I supposed to look graceful and proud trying to squeeze myself through that?:: the great gold dragoness muttered. "I'm sure you can manage, Qutteth," Mandragora assured her. "Now I've got to get inside, you get out there and impress some boys with your fancy flying." ::I intend to!:: Mandragora hurried into the suite reserved for the rider of a dragoness flying out of this gate, tossing herself down to sit on the couch there--there was a bed, but there would be time to get there, eventually--and grinned. This would most certainly be interesting. Apparently, the sight of the massive golden dragon making her way down from the hotel to the flight deck had not gone unnoticed. As Qutteth finally got herself out the gate, after holding her breath and contorting a few creative ways, she realized that most of the dragons who had signed up for this chase were already waiting for her. Torn between embarrassment and rage for them watching her, perched there awkwardly on the take-off ledge meant for dragons much smaller than she, she bared her teeth at them and flared her wings. Qutteth and Mandragora had paid attention to who all signed up for the flight, so both queen and rider looking out of the queen's eyes recognized the potentials swooping, perching, and waiting below, all their eyes fixed on their potential mate. Qutteth snorted at the idea; she would make them work for their "prize". There was Thryor, a clouded bronze, perched on the edge of a ground-maze and looking up at her; he was quiet, not trying to show off or make a scene, and Qutteth was both impressed and annoyed by that. He showed maturity, yes, but should be showing off for her! Like Thaheth, the bronze with blue wings swooping around near the ceiling, trying to catch her eye and, hopefully, her attention. And Aukeli, the colorful... furry one, darting around the larger Thaheth and getting snapped at for his troubles. There were two more who were supposed to be coming, Isoshath and Ceibreth. A cream and a white. Qutteth didn't want to wait for them; if they came, so be it, and if they were too late, it was their loss, not hers! Giving a warning scream, she sprang from her awkward perch, streaking down towards the pen of herdbeasts--or Inyu, or whatever they were called here. It was time this thing got started!
![]() Mandragora had only just gotten settled, brushing back her hair with a hand and pulling her feet up onto the couch she sat on with her, when a tall, blonde young man poked his head in the open door. "Uh, Mandragora?" he asked lightly. "Am I in the right place?" "That's me," Mandragora chuckled, "and if you're here for Qutteth's flight, then you are." "Oh, good," the fellow sighed, coming in. "I keep getting turned around in this place. Thaheth swore this was the one, but he's almost as lost as I am, half the time, and just won't admit it." Mandragora giggled; if this green-eyed blonde was bonded to Thaheth, that meant he was K'lann. "Well, if you're in the right place, then I guess so am I," another male voice commented from the doorway, and another young man followed K'lann inside, this one rivalling K'lann in height but with short, curly brown hair. "Ceibreth's on his way in, too. I hope he doesn't trample anyone to get to the food." The exasperation in the second rider's voice was enough to make Mandragora giggle, again. This one would have to be A'ril, white Ceibreth's rider, and he would likely be the last one coming, unless the centaur Cilan thought he could find some way for them to be compatible-- and Mandragora didn't particularly want to test her new wetware like that. It was something of a relief that, as both dragonriders settled in chairs facing her on the couch, no hoof-beats could be heard coming down the hall towards the room. Then Qutteth took flight, and Mandragora didn't have the attention to spare for wondering if Cilan would or would not show up.
![]() All three males scattered, getting out of the way of the large, glowing queen as she arrowed directly for her prey, jaws gaping ravenously. The penned Inyu squealed, but she pulled up heavily with one in each foreclaw, tearing into one even as she rose. ::Qutteth, stop it!:: Mandragora demanded in the back of her mind. ::Blood only, remember? Blood only!:: Qutteth snarled in the vague direction of Mandragora's mental presence. ::I'm hungry, I'll eat what I want--:: ::No, you won't! You've done this before, you know what you're supposed to do and why.:: Qutteth didn't remember, but it was just easier to do as her rider said than argue further and make her suitors wait longer. Each animal she'd snared she dropped a moment later, drained dry of blood, and she dove for more. Another dragon pounced down in front of her, a large-- though not nearly so large as she!-- white dragon, creeling happily and projecting for all to hear: ::Free food! Yes!:: He'd barrelled in through the small gateway, sending the smaller dragon temporarily in his way out of his way, scenting the queen and the blood-- and apparently it was the blood that had him excited, rather than the queen. ::Get out of my way!:: Qutteth snapped, insulted, punctuating the command with a roar. The white dragon roared back at her, but reluctantly backed off-- then realized she'd left two kills uneaten, as had the other suitors who had, apparently, been wise enough not to gorge, and fell on them with renewed vigor. Stupid, Qutteth rumbled to herself, then set about filling her own belly and fueling her own flight-fire. Three more Inyu later, Qutteth was finally full and glowing brighter than even before. She glared around at the dragons-- five, now. The cluster of circling dragons had spawned one more, the final suitor, the cream Isoshath, now recovered from the tumbling Ceibreth had given him and soaring easily through the air. Qutteth snorted in disdain at one and all: stuffed white Ceibreth, laboring to get into the air; serious Thaheth, swooping to and fro overhead; mutt-breed Aukeli, mottled Thryor, and now tiny cream Isoshath. None of them were good enough, none of them would catch her-- but they could try! With another deck-shaking roar, the massive dragoness sprang into the air, making a mockery of Ceibreth's overfed struggle with her grace and speed. Qutteth's jaws gaped with proud laughter that her vocal chords could only create as a rumbling cough. The other four darted after her, leaving the white dragon to trail sluggishly after them. Flight in this room would be more difficult than an open-sky chase, Qutteth swiftly realized, as she wove tightly between the pillars. It wasn't just the gate that was meant for smaller dragons: the whole deck was meant for smaller dragons. Even Thaheth and poor, over-full Ceibreth looked a little squashed. Well, then, they will just have to prove themselves more careful fliers, as well as more powerful, if they want to catch me! she thought fiercely, not worried for her own flight. A queen in full flight was the fastest, most graceful dragon alive! Qutteth angled for the more open space, and nearly collided with Aukeli, the furry little Wyld half-breed. He had managed to maneuver around past the competitors, supposedly planning to cut her off and take her there, but Qutteth would have nothing to do with that! With a powerful downbeat and a thrust of her tail downward, she shot up and past the half-breed and skyward-- or, towards what would have been the sky, were this place even halfway normal. A casual swat of her tail sent the smaller dragon tumbling, and Qutteth belled out triumph as she sped towards open air. Ceibreth had given up, gliding back towards the gate-- or maybe the Inyu pens-- and Aukeli was just gathering himself from his fall, shaking his head to clear it. Two down, three to go! Thaheth and Thryor, the two bronzes who were so oddly different from each other, converged on her, but she spun higher again, skimming the ceiling. The cream one had vanished, probably realizing he could never compete, but these two... they were strong and fast, straining to follow her speed and direction; perhaps one of them might prove worthy of her. Qutteth sped up, planning on how to make her choice-- But none of them had the chance to choose, for swooping out of nowhere, appearing suddenly from somewhere ahead of her, came a blur of cream and silver. Qutteth screeched challenge, but it was too late, and the smaller male, the one she had discounted, had his neck twined around her shoulders and claws both fore and hind holding onto her in a grip that would not be easily shaken. Smaller and faster than the bronze pair, and more determined by half to make up for his size and prove himself, Isoshath had caught her.
![]() A'ril had already left, probably to console his dragon-- or tell him to leave the rest of the herdbeast Inyu alone-- leaving K'lann anxiously waiting for the end of the flight. His Thaheth was one of the few left, the blue-winged bronze told him elatedly, and he was confident he could outfly the single-color bronze he was still pitted against. Elation turned to disappointment and frustration, however-- Isoshath, the unbonded cream, too small for anyone to have given him any thought, had stolen the show and the dragoness. K'lann rose to leave, not sure exactly what he intended to do now with the rest of his stay on the station, but a hand caught at his and pulled him, surprisingly strongly, into the arms of the queen rider Mandragora. "I don't think so," she purred as he blinked at her in surprise, and she started giggling again. "I need someone to test out the wetware on, or the dirty old man who made me a virgin again would never forgive me." "What?" K'lann asked in confusion. "Never mind," Mandragora said, and kissed him. Even confusion at such a completely random statement was soon forgotten with such pleasant distractions available, so as it turned out, of the bonded pair, only Thaheth got to be disappointed or frustrated after that flight. Baoris would be glad he hadn't come along.
![]() Several months had passed, and Qutteth, bound to Star City's largest hatching bay (it may as well have been a cozy nook for her), had laid a great batch of eggs. The day (or rather, night) that they had come, an audience had gathered to watch: this was probably the largest clutch that they'd seen yet laid on the sands--at least, the largest recorded clutch. The golden queen hadn't much protested the onlookers, though she had decided that if they were there to count her children-to-be, they'd have to work for it. So she alternately concentrated on laying her eggs, shifting them, and hovering over them, until no one was sure if she'd laid more or less then a dozen or so... the lowest count was at about seven, the highest count reached upwards of twenty! Only Qutteth knew, and she only told her rider how many there were when the woman vowed to keep it a secret. Isoshath had, as the winner of the flight, stayed to watch the egg-laying, though when the cream had politely told the queen that he would be leaving again, in search of a bond, she had convinced him to stay. ::What, leave me to tend the eggs by myself? Besides, there are so many people here, perhaps you'll find a bond of your own!:: After that, the smaller dragon had made a point to visit his temporary mate each day, helping however her could. Mandragora had made good use of her time with her sand-bound queen, personalizing the small, on-sands suite that had been rented to her, and shamelessly touring the station like the offworlder that she was. The place was like a cultural quilt--every new storefront had a new theme, every new dish of food a new flavor. At one point, she had been tempted to ask to go behind the scenes of one of the few metal smithies onboard, but perhaps she'd have to save that for later. All of the eggs lay hardening, warmed by the loosely covered, spongy ground, and Mandragora had just returned to her temporary home, when she heard the familiar ring of a caller at her door. The blonde-haired woman had taken in curious passers-by and congratulators for the past few months, so she was not unused to having to answer the door... however, when pressed the release, and the metallic seporator slid open, she was surprised to see a woman--the same woman who had come to sit and watch and apparently to take notes more often then not from the stands of the hatching bay. Today she was dressed as casually as she had been before--or rather, casually for the people that called this place home. A loose tank-top (black) and a knee-length gown (also black) covered her chocolate brown skin. Her entire body, however, was lit in peculiar patterns with a blue-green glow: cyborware, from what Mandragora had learned. Not only were there little gems of glowing 'ware across her face, but her forehead was lined with five spikes--from Mandragora's keenly-built eyes, she could tell that they were cosmetic only, despite their computer-chip-like patterns. Her hair was probably the most impressive part of her: knotted in rows across her scalp, it was held in place by two clasps--the second of which hovered a half a foot above and behind her, supported by two chandelier like masses of glowing orbs, these not unlike the ones planted in her skin. When the woman spoke, Mandragora could hear the slight modifications--cyborware also? that gave her a throaty, almost inhuman tone. With a deep bow, the woman announced herself, "Greetings, Queen-rider. I am Venus S'aller, Master Cyborware installer. I was wondering if I could have a word with you?" "Of course... come in." Mandragora stepped aside, allowing the installer to pass. She wondered what the woman wanted, if perhaps it had something to do with the parts that Alabaster had used to make her whole again-- ::It's something about the eggs,:: Qutteth commented, her voice wary as a concerned mother. Venus paused in the hallway, waiting politely for the rider before seating herself in one of the guest chairs. Mandragora remained standing, for now, her head cocked slightly to one side. The darker woman smiled kindly, and began, "I'd like to congratulate you and your dragon for the impressive clutch. I'm sure you've heard this all before, but there are many of us natives that are proud to be hosting you two." "I have, but we don't mind." Mandragora returned the smile. This woman, maybe because she was probably as altered cosmetically as the rider was functionally, seemed to share some kind of confidence with her. "Qutteth has been getting gawked at since we arrived, but honestly, I think she enjoys the attention." "I'm sure she is." Venus let her smile fade into a comfortable grin, and then furrowed her horn-gilt brow. "I'm sure you've noticed me hanging around as well. Mandragora--may I call you that?" When the queen-rider nodded, the Master resumed speaking, "Mandragora, I've been wondering if I could ask a huge favor of you, and of your queen. If you are at all against it, tell me, but please hear me out, first." "What is it?" More curious then anything, the bionic woman took a seat opposite her guest and leaned her elbows on her knees, waiting for a reply. ::It's about the eggs, I told you!:: Qutteth harumphed, and her bond knew that she was moving her wings to shield them. "Firstly," Venus began, "you know my profession is Cyborwar installation. It's a very delicate art, requiring manipulation of both live and synthetic elements at very complex levels in the Master's stage. In the tradition of our craft, an installer graduates from Journeyman to Master once he passes a test." Mandragora nodded. "That's not unlike from wear I come from: a Journeyman has to prove himself before he gets his Masters pin." "Exactly. In our craft, to recieve ones Master, one must be able to handle very delicate operations: fusing 'ware onto a creature that will prove to grow as the creature grows. This proves that they have mastered not only the art of," and she held up her hand to count off, "fusing inanimate to animate, but the practical uses of synthetic, live, and nanoware-management elements. I'm sorry, this is probably sounding confusing." Mandragora shook her head, though some of the terms went right over it. "The favor that I would like to ask of you and of Qutteth deals with your clutch." ::Ha, told you!:: "What would you have planned for them?" Mandragora allowed herself to frown. Getting herself into one deal after another... all because of a stupid accident that had happened all in an instant... "Nothing of ill intent, of course!" Venus held up both hands, her voice soothing, "I have two special Journeymen right now who both show incredible potential. Normally, we would have asked one of our native dragons to borrow an egg, but with your clutch on the sands, I feel this is an excellent opportunity to set them apart from the others." The gold-rider's frowned deepened, "'borrow' an egg?" Venus held up a finger, and explained, "Borrow as in, use one or three of your dragons eggs to alter the dragonet within. The procedure is nearly one hundred percent risk free... my two Journemen have been studying hard for this, and know exactly what they're doing." ::Will she let me have my eggs back?:: the dragon queen asked from the outter bay, her voice wavering between worried and curious. "Will you--" "Return the eggs? Of course. If everything goes according to plan, the dragonets should hatch just like usual. The only difference would be that they have modifications like this," the dark-skinned woman waved a hand over one of her faintly glowing arm, "or like that," and she gestured at Mandragora herself. "If anything, it may give the hatchlings one up on their siblings later on in life." Mandragora shook her head again, slowly this time, as she allowed the implications to settle. "It's... really not my choice. Qutteth?" ::She's faithful to the fact that her Journeymen will do no harm... and if she returns them back before they hatch...:: "She says that she doesn't have a problem with it," Mandragora relayed, and Venus smiled brightly. The Master stood, and bowed deeply to the rider, unable to contain her happiness. Mandragora stood as well, returning the respects with a little awkwardness. "Merci, Queen-rider," Venus said, as Mandragora ushered her out the door. When she reached the step that would lead her onto the sands, she bowed again, perhaps even more deeply, to the yellow-gold. Qutteth simply rumbled an acknowledgement and twitched her tail. "I will be back with my Journeymen tomorrow morning, if that's a good time for you." The Master returned her attention to Mandragora. "You can meet them for yourselves, and we can begin to select the appropriate eggs to begin work on." The rider nodded, then watched as the Cyborware installer hurried off of the sands and out of the bay. So... bionic dragons, too, huh?
::It seems fitting, somehow.:: Qutteth rumbled deeply, amused.
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