Flight 20
Purple Alskyrian Yulisath's Flight


Ambraila tossed her head to the side, listening for the soft warbling of the birds. Moving her way steadily through the brush, she looked down at the soft ground and found what she was looking for; the bird had crashed down into the treetops, his wing bent at a very odd angle. Clicking her tongue, she moved slowly towards the injured animal, which cocked its head and looked straight at her. As if it knew she meant it no harm, it waited patiently, then started hopping towards her. Above her, she heard a familiar huff, and glanced over her shoulder.

"Yuli, don't scare him, he's injured his wing." Ambraila commented as she picked up the little black bird and stroked his feathers.

~I'll break my own wing if we don't get out of this brush soon.~ Yulisath muttered from behind her rider, who snorted mirthfully. Growling, the purple dragoness crawled her way back out of the brush, and paced the open ground at the forest edge. Ambraila quickly fixed the birdŐs wing with one of the few magic spells she could perform, and checked her work before setting the bird free. Smiling herself, she walked back out of the trees and brush to her dragoness' side.

~About time!~ She growled, her eyes whirling a multitude of colors. Ambraila knew very little about rising dragoness', but knew that this wasn't a good sign.

"Perhaps we should be heading back to Star City; after all, you could rise at any moment," Ambraila said softly, trying not to augment to her bond's already foul mood.

~Perhaps.~ The purple said stiffly, but acquiesced to her rider as she helped Ambraila up onto her back. Within seconds, they were but a mere dot in the sky, and then, they were gone.

Ambraila knew that her bond was going to rise, and soon. Yulisath's foul mood hadnŐt ebbed, even after they got back. As Ambraila was oiling her hide, the purple jumped up, startling her.

"Yuli, be careful! You almost squished me!" Ambraila declared, trying to grab the bucket of oil that was spinning on one edge, ready to tip at any moment. When she grabbed it, the purple whirled her wedge-shaped head towards her, her eyes swirling a dangerous red color. Ambraila turned white, and backed up a few paces.

~Move! I... I... where are they?!~ Yulisath growled, and leaped off her ledge. Only then did Ambraila see the intense color that Yulisath had turned. Her face still white, she dropped the oil and ran towards the lift, but her dragon was nowhere in sight, and that made her turn an even whiter shade. Gulping, she made her way to deck 8, and stood in complete shock.

Yuli...? Ambraila asked, looking about. Her purple dragoness was already suspended in the little gravity that remained on this deck, making her way around the bent tunnel with such grace and ease. Ambraila watched as the five suitors pursued her, not far behind her tail. As this was her first experience, Ambraila stood, not knowing what to do. A cheep came from her shoulder, and she absently stroked her gold flitter, Maila, as her head went spinning.

~Go back to our rooms, there are no riders to contend with,~ Yulisath told her rider in a slightly less volatile tone. Feeling numb, she scuttled back into the lift and went back down to deck 4.

Meanwhile, Yulisath was busy doing barrel rolls, flipping and turning; delighted in the feeling of slight weightlessness she was engulfed in. All the dragons behind her were of good stature, and all were intently vying for her attentions. Yuli looked back, and recognized them as they floated/flew towards her: Ertoth, Turibevain, Cetinath, and Kashvtaith... but the last one shocked her. Silver Subrith was hot on her tail, but she paid him little attention. She ducked back quickly, more quickly than she had anticipated, actually. She pulled down a bit, and floated by the boys slowly. But, what she hadn't anticipated was the very long tail of Turibevain curling around hers. Snapping her head around, she glared at the mocha colored wingless dragon, her eyes whirling red, then slowly turning into a deep shade of purple-blue. After a little struggling, she finally gave in, and let herself be captured.

Ambraila, who had finally gotten back to her rooms, sighed and flopped down on her makeshift bed; she was in for a long night.

Written byDracleia