Flight Information
The Flight Board is a sort of formalized personals service, open to dragons looking to reproduce at Star City, whether or not they need to fly in the Pernese sense to mate. It's a public roster that male or female dragons can sign at the Ministry of Draconic Relations, that dragons of the opposite gender may then reply to if interested. The Flight Board is also a place where pregnant dragonesses may sign if they want to hold a public hatching. 'Closed Flights' are listed as those where the pair is pre-chosen and the dragoness is only waiting to lay her eggs. | |
About Flight Auditions and Stories | |
Wait to see if the board has any open slots before asking about sending a dragon in--if it's closed, I'll ignore your post or email. Dragons go through a two-tier screening process to ensure that the Ministry doesn't become overwhelmed with flight and clutch-seekers again. When a flight-slot opens up, you (as the owner of the dragon) may send me a quick link to a single dragon (male or female) or premated pair at the Nexus Forums. I (as the owner of the agency) will then pick my favorite of those links posted, and at that point, you will have to write a short pre-flight story for your dragon or premated pair to become eligible to take the open flight slot. In-Character, this means that the Ministry will send an invitation for the interested dragon(ess) to mark her name officially on the board. If you can't write a pre-flight story, I'll move on to the next dragon. Once the dragons flight is filled, I will consult you on who you'd like to win or not to win, but I will make the final decision--this is also to save my sanity as a busy agency-owner. Star City was closed down for a year because I had become too bogged down with flights and pairings that I was completely uninterested in drawing, and I'd prefer not to let that happen again. Once the flight-winner is picked, you may write a flight story, but this is optional. If you don't write a flight story, I'll use your pre-flight story for my records. | |
The Flight Deck | |
The Flight Deck is the lower-most ring of Star City, a massive space that even a gold dragon could maneuver in. The space is enterable to dragons by an upper platform, and by those who can't fly by elevators that run down the side of the deck in intervals. The Flight Deck can be considered an obstacle course as well, for huge columns are interspersed throughout that work as docking-bays for smaller spaceships. The floor of the Flight Deck is composed of a layer of vegetation (trees, shrubs, most of them useful for one purpose or another) and winding paths, mazes, and small bodies of water like streams. The floor isn't completely flat--hills and slopes have been created at the base of the docking-columns as well. There are very few animals on this deck, prey-beasts of various sorts can be ordered for those dragons who wish to blood before they rise. Small, ground-based creatures also live beneath the vegetation--creatures that managed to immigrate with visitors and settlers that haven't been enough of a nuisance to exterminate. |
1) | You must have the adult stage of your dragon up on its page (and easy to find!) before it can be entered in a flight. |
2) | The owner of the rising dragon may give insight as to which chaser they want to win, but I will make the final decision. |
3) | Check the Flight board for open slots. If there are none, don't enter. |
4) | Chasers may sign up to only one flight at a time at Star City, though they may chase elsewhere in the Nexus at the same time (unless the other agency doesn't allow this.) |
5) | Risers (those who initially sign the flight board) may rise repeatedly, and may rise at any other agency at the same time (unless the other agency doesn't allow this.) |
6) | Be sure to check the Nexus Forums to sign your riser up. You must first send me a pre-application link, and if your riser is chosen, you will have to send a pre-flight story. |
7) | If your premated pair is chosen from the Nexus forums, you may write a flight story for them, instead of a pre-flight story. |
8) | You may send in a maximum of one chaser per flight without a chaser-story. If you write a story for your chaser the max number is waived. |
9) | Cyborware will only be installed on dragons born at Star City once they reach adulthood. |
Riser Applications | |
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*Be sure to read the rules before sending a chaser in! | |
Chaser Applications | |