Star City


04/01/07 Happy 3rd Birthday, Star City! As a gift to those who've helped make Star City great over the last three years, dragons have been given away -- the pickup page can be found here.

Star City is undergoing quite a bit of cleanup, especially in the records area! Please be patient as clutches are running slowly.

In The News: Star City Cyborware Masters and Journeymen alike are scratching their heads with confusion as a new, resistant strain of Staphylococcus draconota sweeps through Cyborware installation shops across the station. Draconoid residents are being warned to hold off on purchasing bodily modifications while the Ministries of Health and Draconic Relations work with the Guild of Cyborware Installers in finding a way to deal with this problem.

21/10/06 Cemitae and Atisa's clutch has hatched and grown to adulthood. Please see the Pickup Page to receive your images, and have them put up within two weeks, or by November 4th, 2006!
Fanei's clutch is already half-full, so slip a candidate in while you still can!

Star City, Space Station

Star City is a massive wheel-shaped space station/trade city, connected to its sister city, Driolo, by a long space-cable that works also as an elevator. Hanging in geosynchronous orbit over the harsh, desert-dry equator of the planet Atu, Star City is an on-again-off-again member of the Nexus, which is a greater conglomeration of magical and technologically based worlds connected by draconic influences.

Star City is shaped loosely like a thick donut, though inside it is segmented into several layers which are small cities unto themselves. Each layer, or 'deck' was constructed with a wide variety of shapes and sizes of residents in mind, with especial consideration for draconic and humanoid citizens. Thusly, all public doors are built either to accommodate draconic proportions and contain a smaller 'human flap', or are installed with temporary shrinking charms or rays to reduce the size of large customers and residents. All rentable spaces within Star City are shape-malleable, to a degree (and often based upon affordability and space-restraints) so walls, floors and ceilings can be shifted and expanded with proper forewarning.

The natives of Star City come in a wide range of species and races, though there are more humans and dragons (in nearly equal proportions to one another) then any other species combined. Humans on Star City tend to run in shades between tanned caucasian and paler African or Indonesian skin-tones, with various shades of brown being the norm for eye and hair-colour. Lighter or darker humans are considered minorities. Dragons at Star City are largely 'Star City Mutts', a sub-breed of the widely-differing 'Atuan Mutt'. Star City Mutts vary widely in colouration, but almost all are very plain looking, and fairly large compared with other Nexus-born dragons. Anthropomorphic humans make up the second bulk of people living at Star City--humanoids that aren't quite human, they also vary widely in appearance. Others range the spectrum from quadruped to multiped, from humanoid to anything but! With Star City's ports and portals open to the rest of the Nexus, the variety is growing every day.

Culture on Star City is multi-faceted and often fluid from day to day, though the integration of 'cyborware' and other surgical alterations are common from teens to elders, as are bright colours and literally flashy clothing. Though cyborware evolved to support life in orbit or otherwise harsh conditions, it has long since become a part of everyday life.
Star City has a Night shift and a Day shift in all public sectors, with an hour of 'twilight' between each. Night life is much like in any large, planet-bound city, with dance of all kinds being highly popular. Physical recreation of all kinds is also a popular pastime, and while dragons may take to the flight-deck to fly (or even to mate!) humanoids and other citizens utilize whatever space they can to have some fun.
Since Star City was founded in a strange brew of technological, magical, and psionic advances, it is far ahead and beyond what current day Earth culture might offer, technology-wise. Television is comparable to holovision, and while much of Star City's internet is touch-accessible, wet-wiring is commonly available for paying citizens to directly access the station's vast wealth of information and entertainment.
Health and education are two of the stations most prized faculties, both being highly advanced and well sought after by people in need. With the stations lack of natural resources, selling knowledge is the prime attraction for trade, here. Fair tariffs on trade provide another source of income for the station, as well as tourism, cyborware, and other robotic enhancements and novelties.

Star City's recent past has been tumultuous, but with a general consensus of positive change. Twenty or so years ago from present, the station (as well as the planet-side city, Driolo) was going through a great upheaval between a stagnant, antisocial dynasty and a radical-minded organization bent on freedom, political and social conscientiousness. Since the dynesty was felled, Star City was immediately re-opened to the Nexus. Ministries, that is, governmental subsections such as Security, Trade, Health, Draconic Relations, and so on, were at the same being voted into place, and a great influx of trade and new residents began that eventually began to stabilize. In the meantime, the Ministry of Flights and Hatchings (now 'Draconic Relations') had been dealing with a huge amount of interest from offworld dragons wanting to mate and clutch at the station. Eventually the station was closed to further public hatchings from offworld-born dragons, though in the past year, the Ministry seems to have been making moves towards allowing non-citizens to clutch and bond away their offspring again.

Star City's motto is "in freedom, peace; in peace, freedom"
Their national plant is the Ereot Root, which can survive under the most harsh conditions and bears small, black berries which are extremely nutritious.
Their national animal is the Owarmat, a small reptile/bird cousin that is extremely crafty, graceful, and tends to live in tightly-knit social groups.
Their national 'mineral' is Cyborwire, a hypoallergenic metalloid which is a key component in most Cyborware modifications, often sold in rods or in spools of wire.

Deck Breakdown

Deck 1: Life Support, Imports/Exports to Atu
Deck 2: Public Hatching Bays, Candidate and New Dragoner Housing
Decks 3-5: Housing, Light Commerce, Offices of Star City's Ministries
Decks 6-7: Major Commerce, Immigration and Emigration via Nexus Portals
Deck 8: Flight/Recreation Deck, Docking Bays

Further Information

For examples of the kinds of dragons adopted out from Star City, please visit the Records page. Updates and announcements can be found at the The Nexus Forums, as well as at the top of this page.


All images are (c) (copyright) Dracothrope unless otherwise stated.
Star City is a site created for the purpose of adopting out cyberpet dragon images, and is not meant to infringe upon anybody in any way.
Star City is not a P*rnese adoption Weyr, nor is it based on any other copyrighted works.