Pickup 2


Name: Sansu
Bonded to: Terramintin Tessaril Tanzanite
Hatching Message: You seem like a nice sort of guy... 'Mint? I like that name! I'm Sansu, very pleased to meet you! You like to fight for fun... right? But... you don't seem mean. Please tell me more about this 'Chytonia' place, and about this 'Anova' person! But... first, would you please bring me something to eat? I'm so hungry is all... you will? Thank you!
Gender: Male
Colour: purple-red-mustard, green wings
Breed: Wyld
Size: Tiny
Height: 5'
Abilities: icebreath (lvl 8), flaming acid breath (lvl 5)
Personality: Sansu is a dragon who thinks nothing of himself, and everything of those around him. He's a gentle dragon, though he has a great deal of strength in his small frame. He usually has nothing but good things to say about others, and tends to see only the good in people, even if there's only a small kernel of it to be found. When he hunts and flies, he is incredibly quick, but is always merciful on his prey. If he ever gets in a fight, he'll never act on the offensive.
Cyborware: Sansu may redeem 1 minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Name: Shiki
Sponsored at: Darkling Dawn
Hatching Message: n/a
Gender: Female
Colour: tan-yellow-pink, silver wings
Breed: Wyld
Size: Tiny
Height: 5'
Abilities: Size shifting
Personality: Shiki's preferred size is around that of a bird's... let's just say that personality-wise, it suits her. She enjoys going off on great flights of fancy, returning to the real world only when she's about to run into someone or something. She immediately forgets what someone has said to her, and if she doesn't, she more often then not responds with blunt, critical statements (which are usually made completely in ignorance). She prefers to be left with her imagination then in the company of others.
Cyborware: Shiki may redeem 1 minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Name: Taresun
Bonded to: Ranaki
Hatching Message: What's that surprised look for, you big metal lout? Of course I choose you! No, don't just stand there, bring me something to eat, of course! I'm Taresun, by the way. Yes, you can touch me, no, I'm not a dream. Do I look like a dream to you? Come on, let's get some food!
Gender: Female
Colour: Brown-Red-white, red wings
Breed: Wyld
Size: Tiny
Height: 5'
Abilities: flaming acid breath (lvl. 7), size-shifting
Personality: A perfectly stubborn individual, Taresun will never take 'no' for an answer. When she wants something, there's no stopping her. She may not fit in with others, but she doesn't give a flying cow-pie about it. She does what she wants, when she wants to, and if this labels her different, then so be it. She will, however, make concessions for her bond, but only for him.
Cyborware: Taresun may redeem 1 minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Name: Terea
Bonded to: Leaena Swiftgold
Hatching Message: Oh, *sniff*, thank you for rescuing me! I don't know what's going on, everything's so scary here. You're Leaena? I'm... I'm Terea. I don't know what's going on, but I'm ever so hungry! There's food here? Please, please could you help me to it?
Gender: Female
Colour: Yellow-Red, Star-marked wings
Breed: Wyld
Size: Tiny
Height: 5'
Abilities: flaming acid breath (lvl. 4)
Personality: Delicate of build and of mind, Terea is easily upset at the most unimportant of things. She just as often breaks down over something as simple as a spilled drink as at anything else, and requires someone to assure her that everything is alright before calming herself. She's a hopeless romantic, hoping for some 'one true love' to find her and whisk her away. She doesn't understand how her bond can ignore the approaches of her suitor, and will break down over that, too.
Cyborware: Terea may redeem 1 minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.