Pickup 5


Name: Hunmorin
Bonded to: Ekorael
Hatching Message: What do you think you're doing? That's not fair! I call the shots, it's my job! Well... okay. You're not so bad I guess...
Gender: Female
Colour: Semizappy Blue
Breed: Calyeni
Size: Small
Height: 20'
Personality: A coy little mischief-maker, Hunmorin delights in confounding everyone she meets, from passersby to her own bond. She would much rather be playing a prank then taking anything seriously.
Cyborware: Hunmorin may redeem 1 minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Name: Kinya
Bonded to: Kasatka
Hatching Message: You are Kastaka, yes? My name is Kinya. I think we'd do well together... you save the innocents, and I'll cull the guilty.
Gender: Female
Colour: Purple
Breed: Calyeni
Size: Medium
Height: 27'
Personality: The strong and mostly silent type, Kinya is a compassionate dragoness. Well, towards those that she knows. Towards outsiders, she's usually cold at best. She does what she has to to ensure the survival of not only herself, but of her bond and those that are close to both of them.
Cyborware: Kinya may redeem 1 minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Name: Remalu
Sponsored at: Shivran Aerd
Hatching Message: Who the shells are you, bug-brain? What? A name? Why's it matter to you? Okay, fine. I'm Remalu.
Gender: Male
Colour: Semizappy Red
Breed: Calyeni
Size: Medium
Height: 26'
Personality: Loud, blunt, and obnoxious, Remalu often finds himself grating on people's nerves before he can think about what he's saying. He's got a good heart, it's just that he has a very hard time thinking before he speaks.
Cyborware: Remalu may redeem 1 minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Name: Retarok
Bonded to: Karle
Hatching Message: What are you standing around looking so nervous like that for? I'm Retarok, Karle, and you're mine!
Gender: Male
Colour: Zappy Blue
Breed: Calyeni
Size: Medium
Height: 24'
Personality: For a blue, Retarok has wonderful focus. He's a determined dragon, and doesn't stop whatever he's after until he gets the job done right.
Cyborware: Retarok may redeem 1 minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Name: Sahai
Bonded to: Korin
Hatching Message: Heya, Korin! What are you doing just standing there, bondless? Alright, that's it, you're coming with me. Oh, names? Heh, well I'm Sahai.
Gender: Female
Colour: Zappy Green
Breed: Calyeni
Size: Large
Height: 21'
Personality: She's pretty and she knows it! Sahai loves attention, but she isn't necessarily selfish. Wherever there's fun to be had, she'll be there. She enjoys company more then anything, and isn't afraid to talk to those who wish to speak with her.
Cyborware: Sahai may redeem 1 minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Name: Sowfesh
Bonded to: Ckrenachithanth
Hatching Message: Ckrenachithanth! You're wonderful, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I'm Sowfesh. Please, take me with you.
Gender: Female
Colour: Zappy Blue
Breed: Calyeni
Size: Small
Height: 22'
Personality: Sowfesh is a gentle soul, willing to accept the flaws in friends along with the good. She can get very emotional at times, but that's not to say that she'f flighty. She's a very loving dragoness.
Cyborware: Sowfesh may redeem 1 minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Name: Tucine
Sponsored at: Darkling Dawn
Hatching Message: Me? ...I'm Tucine. Thank you for asking.
Gender: Female
Colour: Cream
Breed: Calyeni
Size: Medium
Height: 24'
Personality: Very responsive to others around her, Tucine is very self-concious. If she picks up negativity from others, she instantly blames herself for it. If, however, she picks up a lot of happiness and love, she's more than happy to join in on it.
Cyborware: Tucine may redeem 1 minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Name: Wiro
Bonded to: Zale Runnoe
Hatching Message: ...Zale? Zale, I'm yours.
Gender: Female
Colour: Zappy Silver
Breed: Calyeni
Size: Small
Height: 30'
Personality: Wiro is a peculiar dragoness: at times she can act fiercely independant, and at other times, she seems to require a bond simply to get moving for the day. Above all things, she's incredibly empathic, sensitive and responsive to small shifts in emotion. She rarely needs to recieve full-blown sentances to get the gist of what someone is saying.
Cyborware: Wiro may redeem 1 minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Name: Yarro
Bonded to: Forgeron
Hatching Message: Forgeron! You, I like you. My name is Yarro, and I want to fight at your side.
Gender: Male
Colour: Semizappy Red
Breed: Calyeni
Size: Large
Height: 27'
Personality: Yarro is strong, stubborn, and to more importantly, he's smart enough to know how to cover his weaknesses with his strengths. He knows his place in things, and that's at the top, always.
Cyborware: Yarro may redeem 1 minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.