Pickup 7


Name: Dolonae
Bonded to: Isohath
Hatching Message: Isoshath... if you'll take me, my name is Dolonae. I'd like you as my bond!
Gender: Female
Colour: Rainbow-Red
Breed: Mutt
Size: Small
Height: 22'
Personality: Dolonae knows how to argue anyone into doing something in her favor, though this certainly doesn't mean she's purposefully manipulative. While she loves to talk, she knows the value of quiet, and respects those who know the art of both. She isn't a fighter--that is, she'd do almost anything to avoid a physical confrontation.
Cyborware: Dolonae may redeem one minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Name: Illacestith
Bonded to: Tiyle
Hatching Message: Oh, Tiyle... please feed me! I'm Illacestith, my love, and I want you!
Gender: Female
Colour: Rainbow-Green
Breed: Mutt
Size: Small
Height: 21'
Personality: Illacestith is a natural actress. She adores her bond, but, almost without realizing it, she'll try to manipulate Tiyle into doing whatever it is that she wants. She's very self-interested, and gets especially hard to live with when she's proddy.
Cyborware: Illacestith may redeem one minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Name: Inasath
Bonded to: Cassidy
Hatching Message: n/a
Gender: Female
Colour: Rainbow-Lavender
Breed: Mutt
Size: Medium
Height: 23'
Personality: Inasath is the kind of dragon that everyone would want for a friend. She's generally thoughtful and kind, and has the strength to advise people when they're doing something stupid. Perhaps the best thing about her is that she's not in the least judgemental when it comes to character. She'll accept a person--her bond, for example--for who they are, and expects of them only what they expect from her.
Cyborware: Inasath may redeem one minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Name: Incath
Bonded to: Damien
Hatching Message: What? You look so disbelieving! Just because you're not flesh and blood doesn't mean you're not better then any of the other candidates here! I wouldn't be choosing you otherwise, would I? I'm Incath.
Gender: Male
Colour: Rainbow-Black
Breed: Mutt
Size: Large
Height: 29'
Personality: Around most people, Incath is a quiet dragon. When he speaks, it is usually in a reserved tone, and he only pipes up when it's really important. Around his bond, however, he's a whole different story. With Damien, Incath is playful and often freer with his thoughts and words. These virtues extend, by default, to his bond's closer friends.
Cyborware: Incath may redeem one minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Name: Jemvoath
Bonded to: Devron
Hatching Message: Ah, so you're Devron, are you? Hmm... well, I like your attitude. You can get me something to eat, and we'll see where life takes us from there!
Gender: Female
Colour: Purple
Breed: Mutt
Size: Medium
Height: 26'
Personality: This dragon has a strong sense of self: she knows where she is in life, and isn't afraid to make decisions to advance herself or her bond. She's generally fairly peaceful, though she will resort to violence in a dire situation.
Cyborware: Jemvoath may redeem one minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Name: Moth
Bonded to: Maebe
Hatching Message: Don't worry, Maebe, you won't be disappointed this time around! Take me home with you... I want to watch you with your glass! Please? I'm Moth.
Gender: Male
Colour: Yellow
Breed: Mutt
Size: Small
Height: 20'
Personality: While Moth is a dragon of the kind that typically gets flighty and easily excited, he also has the ability to refine his focus to very delicate tasks. He, like his name suggests, is drawn to fire and all processes that involve it... which is probably the prime reason why he has chosen Maebe as his bond.
Cyborware: Moth may redeem one minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Name: Noocith
Sponsored at: The Obelisk
Hatching Message: Are you kidding me? I'm not going to let some short-lived human... or whatever all of those are... steal half my life away from me!
Gender: Male
Colour: Rainbow-White
Breed: Mutt
Size: Small
Height: 19'
Personality: Noocith would rather be out letting air-currents take him where they will then allow a bond to tie him down to any one home. He's strictly independant, though this isn't to say that he doesn't crave company from time to time. He'd just rather keep his mind to himself.
Cyborware: Noocith may redeem one minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Name: Ondaggris
Bonded to: Khaliq
Hatching Message: Right, there you are. Come on and get me some food, Khaliq! I'm yours now... oh, I'm Ondaggris, by the way. Now let's go.
Gender: Male
Colour: White
Breed: Mutt
Size: Small
Height: 21'
Personality: Some might call Ondaggris a single-minded dragon. He's certainly a lot different from those around him: he sees everything in terms of what he can and can not manipulate to his and his bond's advantage. This can make him also seem just a little callous, but he often doesn't realize if he's being rude or short-handed with a person whom he doesn't find useful.
Cyborware: Ondaggris may redeem one minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Name: Shkora
Bonded to: Kitaaya
Hatching Message: With me, Kitaaya, we will leave no one in peace who you do not want left in peace. But first... let us start the suffering with Kitakaze.
Gender: Male
Colour: Red
Breed: Mutt
Size: Medium
Height: 25'
Personality: Shkora is a red like those out of lore: he's quick to anger, enjoys toasting his enemies, and will hold a grudge for insanely long periods of time. He's a single-minded sort of dragon, one who will only focus on one thing at a time... though what he does focus on, he does very well.
Cyborware: Shkora may redeem one minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Name: Usash
Bonded to: Oamuy
Hatching Message: Hey, you! Yeah, of course I'm talking to you... honestly. I'm Usash, and I'm your new bond. Seriously... no, I'm not kidding!
Gender: Male
Colour: Silver
Breed: Mutt
Size: Large
Height: 28'
Personality: Usash opposes his bond's outlook on life in almost every way: where Oamuy sees a half-empty glass of water, Usash sees it half full. This dragon is willing to always see the best in any person or situation, but he can drag it so far as to be gullible. He's bound and determined to make Oamuy 'see the light', as it were.
Cyborware: Usash may redeem one minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Name: Veris
Sponsored at: Calyeni
Hatching Message: Oh dear lords, you expect me to bond one of those?! They're hideous! I don't think so.
Gender: Female
Colour: Rainbow-Purple
Breed: Mutt
Size: Medium
Height: 24'
Personality: While Veris has a great love of beatiful things, she's also so incredibly picky that she doesn't find much beautiful! She's a harsh critic of character, and may inadvertanly (or not so inadvertantly) bring embarrassement or pain to those she's addressing, simply by commenting unfavorably on something about them.
Cyborware: Veris may redeem one minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.