Pickup 8


Name: Ashane
Bonded to: Shanna Lecava
Hatching Message: Gotcha! Shanna, you're coming with me!
Gender: Female
Colour: Orange-Gold
Breed: Mutt
Size: Medium
Height: 15'
Abilities: Half-shifting, Fire Majyck (Lv. 1)
Personality: Well, Ashane certainly knows she's good, even if most other people think she's a pain in the behind! She loves attention, even if she has to shock people to get it. This doesn't mean that she'll be a trouble-maker forever... but you know some kits, and Ashane is certainly one of them: she like to stick her nose in all the wrong places!
Cyborware: Ashane may redeem 1 minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Name: Mossei
Bonded to: Jal Carskadon
Hatching Message: Hey, whatchoo doin' all the way up there? Well, get down here! You're the one for me, and you can't feed me from all the way up there!
Gender: Male
Colour: White-Green-Gold
Breed: Mutt
Size: Medium
Height: 16'
Abilities: None
Personality: Mossei, if he were to so choose, would easily make a high-class spy or scout. He's excellent at getting into and out of places unnoticed, and is incredibly innovative with using his surroundings for just about everything. He relies on his mind, his willowy strength, and his agility where his magical abilities have failed him.
Cyborware: Mossei may redeem 1 minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Name: Otana
Bonded to: Sashine
Hatching Message: Oh Sashi-ine! Howdy! I'm Otana, and I want you!
Gender: Female
Colour: Green-Orange
Breed: Mutt
Size: Medium
Height: 14'
Abilities: Fire Majyck (Lv. 1)
Personality: Otana is like a cat with nine lives: she can get into impossibly dangerous situations and come out on the other side, apparently unscathed. What's amusing is that she rarely even notices that she's in so much danger! She'll take insane risks, even when there are more sensible solutions to a situation.
Cyborware: Otana may redeem 1 minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Name: Sateino
Bonded to: Aottov
Hatching Message: ...hello, Aottov. I want to come with you... call me Sateino.
Gender: Male
Colour: Green-White-Orange
Breed: Mutt
Size: Medium
Height: 15'
Abilities: Full-Shifting, Summon Elemental (Fire/Lv. 4)
Personality: Sateino is of the right attitude and strength to act as a second-in-command. He'll be clever enough to act on his own when Aottov can not, but will always be loyal enough to know his place in rank. He's a good fighter--an even better fighter when in close combat.
Cyborware: Sateino may redeem 1 minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Name: Supersyllaba
Bonded to: Lathan O-ama
Hatching Message: Hi, Lathan. You love to learn stuff, right? Well so do I! Make me your bond, alright?
Gender: Female
Colour: Gold
Breed: Mutt
Size: Medium
Height: 14'
Abilities: Summon Elemental (Fire/Lv 4)
Personality: Think of Supersyllaba as some kind of living notepad! Her mind is amazing; it's almost like she has a photographic memory. She can remember the smallest details years on, though remembering so much doesn't seem to slow her down. She can and does get a little impatient with her bond's absent-mindedness, but she will always hold him the closest to her heart.
Cyborware: Supersyllaba may redeem 1 minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.