Pickup 10c (Shotgun)


Hatching Message: A strong leader like you needs a strong bond, like me. We'll whip that world of yours into shape in no time.
Name: Hutzan
Bonded to: Bronx
Gender: Male
Colour: Black-Green
Breed: Chaotic Mutt
Abilities: Basis for many kinds of dark-magic spells; needs to use runes to activate
Size: Large
Height: 23'
Personality: Hutzan is much like his bond: he's unnaturally cold, with a temper that simmers rather then boils over. He is a master at controlling other people's intentions, doing so using subtle words or intimidation. His sleek build is like that of a professional killer. He knows what he's doing, (and that is usually what Bronx commands of him) and he does it well.
Cyborware: Hutzan may redeem 1 minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Hatching Message: You can't possibly expect that beast of yours to act as your hands. I'm Krelotz, and I could serve you far better. I'll come with you.
Name: Krelotz
Bonded to: Labyrinth
Gender: Male
Colour: Black-Brass
Breed: Chaotic Mutt
Abilities: Spells based on illusion and suggestion. Triggered using elaborate paw-movements.
Size: Small
Height: 17'
Personality: A silent but watchful bond, Krelotz will trail Labyrinth and do the work that she isn't willing to touch. Think of him as a kind of draconic muscle-man--one that uses magic as well as his strength to get what Labyrinth wants.
Cyborware: Krelotz may redeem 1 minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Hatching Message: Keep away from the human, you worthless cur!
Name: Mekatek
Bonded to: Creih
Gender: Male
Colour: Black-Brass
Breed: Chaotic Mutt
Abilities: Spells strengthened with the presence of the basic elements.
Size: Large
Height: 21'
Personality: Mekatek is a bit skittish around others, though he does show a rather unusual protectiveness over Creih's human pets. He's rather harmless--physically, anyways. A big brute of a dragon, but not very powerful, the danger in him comes from his magical attacks.
Cyborware: Mekatek may redeem 1 minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Hatching Message: You're far too innocent for me, little girl... but then, I enjoy a challenge.
Name: Netahiln
Bonded to: Kalaia Tenet
Gender: Female
Colour: Brass-Red
Breed: Chaotic Mutt
Abilities: Stealth Magic, Basic Electricity Magic, and a potential for learning various dark spells.
Size: Small
Height: 18'
Personality: Well, Netahiln is far from the kind of dragon you'd expect to bond an 'innocent young girl'. She's got a definite mean streak, and likes nothing better then to see others suffering at her hand--er, paw. She is, however, a highly devoted individual. If her bond is very forthright with her, Neta' may very well be able to restrain herself.
Cyborware: Netahiln may redeem 1 minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Hatching Message: Oh, now you are a piece of work right there. I could send you the worst nightmares with the lightest touch of the mind... but that would almost be too easy. Still. I like you... so you're coming with me!
Name: Ombet
Bonded to: Kip Halley
Gender: Male
Colour: Black-Red
Breed: Chaotic Mutt
Abilities: Blood magic, of course!
Size: Large
Height: 22'
Personality: Why Ombet, a dragon whose chaotic magics work only through the spilling of blood, would choose as squeemish a bond as Kip Halley, no one will know... perhaps it's because he has a hypocritical streak. Perhaps it's because, really, bonding a person who can't be around copious amounts of blood is about the only thing that could possibly keep him from going on a killing spree, and he really isn't as truly evil as his chaotic-blood would suggest? ...Nah, it's got to be a hypocritical streak.
Cyborware: Ombet may redeem 1 minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Hatching Message: I apologize, Apsu. I will not try to decieve you again.
Name: Pereslos
Bonded to: Apsu
Gender: Male
Colour: Red-Black
Breed: Chaotic Mutt
Abilities: Spells that drain light from the vicinity
Size: Medium
Height: 19'
Personality: Pereslos is a bit of a sloth. If he's not given direct orders, he'll hang around all day, and if any food is on hand, he'll quietly devour everything on hand. Not just a physical glutton, Pereslos' magic is the kind that drains light and heat out of the surrounding area. At times, he'll go on a magic-binge, even if he isn't planning on casting a spell.
Cyborware: Pereslos may redeem 1 minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Hatching Message: Oh, I'm bad! You know it! You want my bond! You want it! Uh huh, uh huh!
Name: Shunoir
Bonded to: Tei'u'a
Gender: Male
Colour: Brass-Green
Breed: Chaotic Mutt
Abilities: Magic used to boost endurance and offensive attacks
Size: Medium
Height: 20'
Personality: Shunoir is a strong, proud dragon... maybe too proud. He fancies himself as a tough guy, a real bad ass... but who knows how much of that is just hot air? He's good when it comes to physical fights, but he'll need a lot of training to become truly great at it.
Cyborware: Shunoir may redeem 1 minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Hatching Message: What are you, stupid? Of course I'm your new bond!
Name: Thors
Bonded to: Garet
Gender: Male
Colour: Black
Breed: Chaotic Mutt
Abilities: 'Powered-up' Offense and Defence through the use of shadows present.
Size: Large
Height: 25'
Personality: While Thors is pretty big (for the kind of dragon he is, at least), he's usually a dark, silent presence. He speaks only when he thinks that his bond and/or those accompanying him are being stupid, and fortunately, that's not too often. He's surprisingly intelligent, and has the sense of mind not to start a fight where one isn't needed. When he does get into a fight, however, he will use his dark magic before resorting to tooth and claw.
Cyborware: Thors may redeem 1 minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.