Pickup 10d (Gatica)


Hatching Message: Oh dear gods, Dami! Look at you... that's it, I'm bonding you. There's no way that you're going to go dieing, not while I'm around.
Name: Heidoran
Bonded to: Dami
Gender: Female
Colour: Black-Red
Breed: Xenomutt
Size: Small
Height: 16'
Personality: Heidoran is the kind of dragon that will force her bond, Dami, to look out for herself. While she is fond of the sensual-backthrow from the magic that her bond uses, she is painfully aware of Dami's state, and is more interested in keeping her healthy and alive then anything else. That said, she's completely devoted to her bond. Dami comes first, then whatever Bronx orders.
Cyborware: No cyborware modifications currently available for xenomorphs or xeno-dragons.

Hatching Message: Oh, wow, you know a lot of stories! I think I'd like to bond you!
Name: Kolross
Bonded to: Kejenah
Gender: Male
Colour: Red-Purple
Breed: Xenomutt
Size: Medium
Height: 18'
Personality: Kolross is only happy with a tale of horror or intrigue planted firmly in front of his muzzle, or failing something in printed format, then a good story-teller on hand. He'll tag along and do whatever jobs are requested of him, so long as he gets an interesting story in return for it. He'll make a good lackey, so long as he isn't asked to fight directly.
Cyborware: No cyborware modifications currently available for xenomorphs or xeno-dragons.

Hatching Message: Oh, you look just about right for me. What's your name? YEW-may? I'm Mayr-EE-thee-uhs, said just like that. I think we ought to bond, you're just too cool! Well, so long's you don't expect me to fight or nothing. I don't want to get beat up again! Oh, so hungry! Can we get something to eat? Please?
Name: Meretheus
Bonded to: Yuumei
Gender: Male
Colour: Purple-Black
Breed: Xenomutt
Size: Medium
Height: 18'
Personality: Meretheus is like the day to Yuumei's night. While he has no qualms as to the mischief his night-walking bond might get into, he'd much rather be hunting down a good meal, a good bed, and perhaps even a good dragon to occupy his time! He's the kind to bicker for the fun of it, and avoids physical fights like the plague. When he does get into trouble, he is a surprisingly graceful fighter, almost as though he were born to kill...
Cyborware: No cyborware modifications currently available for xenomorphs or xeno-dragons.

Hatching Message: Heh, well, I don't know what it's going to take to bring you back to life, Motega, but I'm willing to do it! I'm Quiral!
Name: Quiral
Bonded to: Motega
Gender: Male
Colour: Grey-Red
Breed: Xenomutt
Size: Small
Height: 16'
Personality: Quiral is a very passionate creature. He's the kind that will take offense to the littlest things, but also laugh at the smallest joke. He's got more concern for his bond then any one 'evil' dragon should, and has made it his goal to knock some life back into Motega. Being a dragon with few morals, however, Quiral is willing to do whatever it takes to shake his bond out of his antipathy, even if it's dangerous or incredibly, incredibly stupid.
Cyborware: No cyborware modifications currently available for xenomorphs or xeno-dragons.

Hatching Message: (To all that can here her) Keshna! My bond! Why do you hide so, when you could be leading these incompetent demoness'? Obviously you hate them more then the world--what? What did I say?
Name: Verklei
Bonded to: Keshnarmeynee Adumbra
Gender: Female
Colour: Red-Black
Breed: Xenomutt
Size: Medium
Height: 18'
Personality: While Verklei is a strong, proud, protective dragon, she is not particularly fast on the ball. For instance, she'll gladly defend Keshna from enemies, but she's also likely to blather out something that her bond really doesn't want everyone to know, even if it's just a passing remark. Keep her away from other potentially clever Demons, or she'll be likely to blow Keshna's cover.
Cyborware: No cyborware modifications currently available for xenomorphs or xeno-dragons.