Pickup 10d (Sanodie)


Hatching Message: You'll be fine.
Name: Atness
Bonded to: Devil's-Lash
Gender: Male
Colour: Grey-Blue
Breed: Xenomutt
Size: Small
Height: 16'
Personality: Cold and unmoving as ice, Atness has a way of projecting his anti-anger to anyone near him. He doesn't speak much, and moves only when he has to, but this doesn't mean that he's lazy. He has a kind of skin-deep affection for his bond--not the kind of deep-reaching, soul-binding sort of thing that most riders experience. Fully capable of going off on his own for long periods of time, Atness will do so, if just to get away from the petty plots that D.C. keeps trying to inflict, using him as a pawn.
Cyborware: No cyborware modifications currently available for xenomorphs or xeno-dragons.

Hatching Message: You don't want a biped bond, I don't want a biped bond... I think that's enough evidence right there, that we're perfect for one another.
Name: Bromodie
Bonded to: Ashypth
Gender: Male
Colour: Grey-Black
Breed: Xenomutt
Size: Large
Height: 21'
Personality: Bromodie is an extremely stable dragon. No matter how much Ashypth can vent at him, no matter how much she might try to hassle him, he just doesn't seem to react. She may be extremely strong physically, but he's extremely strong, mentality-wise. Not to say that he can't share a laugh or a shouting match, he just doesn't allow things to affect him too deeply.
Cyborware: No cyborware modifications currently available for xenomorphs or xeno-dragons.

Hatching Message: Hey you... I'm Cholrinie... now come this way!
Name: Cholrinie
Bonded to: Mike
Gender: Female
Colour: Blue-Black
Breed: Xenomutt
Size: Small
Height: 17'
Personality: Cholrinie is the kind to swoop in, unexpected, do her thing, and then recede into obscurity again until next time. This isn't to say that she's avoiding Mike, but she isn't exactly the kind to coo over him, nor will you ever hear those two words, 'rider mine' issue from her mouth--mind, whatever. Despite all of this, most of what she does is for her rider's benefit.
Cyborware: No cyborware modifications currently available for xenomorphs or xeno-dragons.

Hatching Message: Little bastard going to hurt my bond?! I don't think so! Feck off y'purple skin bag! He's mine!
Name: Floss
Bonded to: Michael Thomas
Gender: Female
Colour: Black-Grey
Breed: Xenomutt
Size: Large
Height: 21'
Personality: Floss is more of a shadow then anything: she keeps her mouth shut most of the time, unless it's to point out something that Michael has missed completely. She has the uncanny ability to blend in with darker backgrounds, and, if her bond finds himself in any danger, the ability to leap out at the opponent and neutralize it before it notices her. While her link to Michael is a loving one, it is not as strong as your typical dragon-rider pair: Floss could feasibly leave her bonds side for the other side of the nexus, if she weren't so attached to him.
Cyborware: No cyborware modifications currently available for xenomorphs or xeno-dragons.

Hatching Message: Heh heh, hey Favoi. Wanna come with you! I'm Iodass!
Name: Iodass
Bonded to: Favoi
Gender: Male
Colour: Black-Blue
Breed: Xenomutt
Size: Medium
Height: 19'
Personality: Well, maybe he isn't as eccentric as his rider, but Iodass certainly isn't your every-day dragon. He gets a kick out of scaring people with his toothy-tongue, and will deliberately chase a person down just to scare the socks off of them. He's generally harmless, but he likes to act big, tough, and evil.
Cyborware: No cyborware modifications currently available for xenomorphs or xeno-dragons.