
Name: Gailis
Bonded to: Jalepp Asonyad
Gender: Male
Colour: Green-striped Yellow-Diamond
Breed: Biped Mutt
Size: Tiny
Height: 5'
Personality: Just as carefree as his new bond, Gailis would prefer to spend his days lounging about, rather then do any serious labor. He enjoys small talk, and is pretty good at making those around him relax with a few well-placed words.
Cyborware: Gailis may redeem one minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Name: Ongytep
Bonded to: Senyren Tolaal
Gender: Female
Colour: Gold-striped Green-White
Breed: Biped Mutt
Size: Tiny
Height: 6'
Personality: Ongytep is a proud little dragoness. She struts more then walks, and her voice is always tinged with a certain lofty attitude that's hard to ignore. She may be a caring dragon, but often as not, her own attitude may get in the way of her empathy.
Cyborware: Ongytep may redeem one minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Name: Pishede
Bonded to: Ritana
Gender: Male
Colour: Gold-striped Red-Diamond
Breed: Biped Mutt
Size: Small
Height: 8'
Personality: Pishede is a happy little dragon, often cheerful even under high stress. He's amazingly level-headed when it comes to trying situations, only losing his temper in the most dire of circumstances. He enjoys company, and would prefer to be around a 'pack' then alone. He loves the outdoors.
Cyborware: Pishede may redeem one minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Name: Lineve
Bonded to: Rin
Gender: Male
Colour: Orange-striped Red-Black
Breed: Biped Mutt
Size: Small
Height: 7'
Personality: Lineve is surprisingly sturdy, given his light build. He enjoys physical activities far more then any mental chores, and would rather be running or flying or jumping or what-have-you, then be placed anywhere near scholarly types of things. Lucky for him to bond Rin, no?
Cyborware: Lineve may redeem one minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Name: Belles
Bonded to: Trin
Gender: Female
Colour: Green-striped Green-Diamond
Breed: Biped Mutt
Size: Small
Height: 8'
Personality: A quiet but helpful dragoness, Belles is as likely to make a good coat-hanger as a good lab assistant. She can stay awake and perfectly still for hours, if need be, though she does have to temper this with bouts of sleeping and/or long flights. Any task that doesn't require opposable thumbs, Belles can and will do it.
Cyborware: Belles may redeem one minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Name: Chobizam
Bonded to: Arjin
Gender: Male
Colour: Green-striped Yellow-White
Breed: Biped Mutt
Size: Small
Height: 9'
Personality: Chobizam would love a life of all play and no work, if he could. He's got a great sense of humor, and likes to joke around, but unfortunately, when the chores come around, this dragon is nowhere to be seen. He enjoys time spent in the outdoors best, so long as he doesn't have to waste them with labor!
Cyborware: Chobizam may redeem one minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.

Name: Maehtami
Bonded to: Nebre
Gender: Female
Colour: Gold-Striped Partial Glitz Blue
Breed: Biped Mutt
Size: Tiny
Height: 6'
Personality: Unlike many of her siblings, Maehtami is all business, and nothing else. She believes in a job well done, or not done at all. Those who don't stick to their goals are deemed worthless, and only those who are hard-working, clear-minded, and strong-willed are given any respect from her. She'll do dirty work just as easily as less morally corrupt tasks.
Cyborware: Maehtami may redeem one minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.