Name: Virith
Bonded to: Vance Mongriffe
Gender: Male
Colour: Pale Brown
Breed: Vella Crean Light Court
Abilities: Summon Fireball, Defensive Magic, Telepathy, Teleportation, Verbal Speech
Size: Bronze-Sized
Height: 27'
Genetic Rating: not available
Personality: Solid as a rock, Virith is none-the-less much more animated then any inanimate object. With charisma up to here, if Vance is the manly man to be adored from a distance, Virith is the manly dragon to confide in and share small talk with. He may or may not be the kind to stay faithful to whomever he flies, but whatever the case may be... well, the dragoness' he chases will be some lucky lady, or ladies!
Cyborware: Virith may redeem one minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.
Name: Emelseth
Bonded to: Etienne De Lasaux
Gender: Female
Colour: Pale Gold
Breed: Vella Crean Light Court
Abilities: Summon Fireball, Defensive Magic, Telepathy, Teleportation, Verbal Speech
Size: Gold-Sized
Height: 30'
Genetic Rating: not available
Personality: Emelseth is not quite a typical gold. She's certainly a proud dragoness, but even with that, she's not cocky or arrogant. Though she doesn't lack self confidence, she certainly keeps that from becoming overconfident! Her personality is also a very strong one, able to stand up to all sorts of challenges. She's convinced that she can handle almost anything.
Cyborware: Emelseth may redeem one minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.
Name: Sarontamath
Bonded to: Savannah Noverre
Gender: Female
Colour: Pale Gold
Breed: Vella Crean Light Court
Abilities: Summon Fireball, Defensive Magic, Telepathy, Teleportation, Verbal Speech
Size: Gold-Sized
Height: 30'
Genetic Rating: not available
Personality: A stately dragon, but much deeper in personality then her lofty ways would have one assume, Sarontamath is often quiet, but imposing. Of course, for Savannah she's very supportive, and ready to lend a mind or a paw whenever necessary, but to others she can certainly be an ice-queen!
Cyborware: Sarontamath may redeem one minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.
Name: Mingeeth
Sponsored by: Moranis
Gender: Female
Colour: Pale Green
Breed: Vella Crean Light Court
Abilities: Summon Fireball, Defensive Magic, Telepathy, Teleportation, Verbal Speech
Size: Green-Sized
Height: 21'
Genetic Rating: not available
Personality: Often incomprehensible, Mingeeth is full of high spirits and is ready to unleash them upon any who dare come near her! She loves attention, whether good or bad, but will try her hardest to recieve that of the good variety. Caring of those she's willing to pay attention to, she can be a wonderful dragon... but she can also be a horrible pest.
Cyborware: Mingeeth may redeem one minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.
Name: Mongeeth
Sponsored by: Moranis
Gender: Male
Colour: Pale Blue
Breed: Vella Crean Light Court
Abilities: Summon Fireball, Defensive Magic, Telepathy, Teleportation, Verbal Speech
Size: Blue-Sized
Height: 24'
Genetic Rating: not available
Personality: Mongeeth, like his fraternal twin, can be quite a handful. Thankfully, he seems to have a little more sense, but only a little. He dreams of being a respected dragon, but unfortunately, if he doesn't actually try to earn respect, he'll never get what he so desires. He doesn't seem to grasp this concept.
Cyborware: Mongeeth may redeem one minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.
Name: Krosimorth
Bonded to: Kar'Irina
Gender: Male
Colour: Pale Bronze
Breed: Vella Crean Light Court
Abilities: Summon Fireball, Defensive Magic, Telepathy, Teleportation, Verbal Speech
Size: Bronze-Sized
Height: 27'
Genetic Rating: not available
Personality: Krosimorth is a philosopher at heart. Rarely does he let his emotions get the better of him, and very rarely does he allow anger to guide his actions. This might make him seem cold-blooded at times, but most of his words and actions are very honorable, very worthy of thought.
Cyborware: Krosimorth may redeem one minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.
Name: Hasheeth
Bonded to: Haive Silverhook
Gender: Male
Colour: Pale Purple
Breed: Vella Crean Light Court
Abilities: Summon Fireball, Defensive Magic, Telepathy, Teleportation, Verbal Speech
Size: Blue-Sized
Height: 24'
Genetic Rating: not available
Personality: Hasheeth is... well... not at all like his bond. Where Haive might like to work in solitude, Hash' is more about recreation with friends. He can sometimes be a little... dopey, but at other times, seem much more clear-headed. Why he'd choose to bond an uptight little dwarf like Haive is a mystery. Perhaps he wants to teach the smith a little about relaxing and becoming more laid-back.
Cyborware: Hasheeth may redeem one minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.
Name: Vemenoth
Bonded to: Voraio Teleneese Sorset
Gender: Male
Colour: Pale Bronze
Breed: Vella Crean Light Court
Abilities: Summon Fireball, Defensive Magic, Telepathy, Teleportation, Verbal Speech
Size: Bronze-Sized
Height: 27'
Genetic Rating: not available
Personality: Vem' is a dragon of amazing focusing powers. Set him to a task and he's on it, fully and wholly. While he isn't quite a knight-in-shining-armor, he has more then enough wits about him to make it seem that way! He likes the occasional trick, but his honorable background and attention to his reputation and appearance will never allow him to do anything that makes him seem dirty.
Cyborware: Vemenoth may redeem one minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.
Name: Nioremth
Bonded to: Nickelum Swith
Gender: Male
Colour: Pale Bronze
Breed: Vella Crean Light Court
Abilities: Summon Fireball, Defensive Magic, Telepathy, Teleportation, Verbal Speech
Size: Bronze-Sized
Height: 27'
Genetic Rating: not available
Personality: If Nickelum can stumble over his own feet, Niore' is more the kind to stumble over his own tongue. He's a wonderful dragon--good hearted, and with an amazing spatial sense--but if you put him in any conversation, he's likely to get tongue-tied and just confused, which can be very frustrating. A good combination would be to strap Nickelum to Nioremth's back, and have the human do all of the talking! Then nothing is bound to go wrong.... hopefully!
Cyborware: Nioremth may redeem one minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.
Name: Jaddath
Bonded to: Jonquil
Gender: Female
Colour: Pale Gold
Breed: Vella Crean Light Court
Abilities: Summon Fireball, Defensive Magic, Telepathy, Teleportation, Verbal Speech
Size: Gold-Sized
Height: 30'
Genetic Rating: not available
Personality: A bit of an eclectic gold, Jaddath is obsessed with the thought of having her and her bonds' lives recorded somewhere for all history. Given half a chance and the right instruments to do so, this queen might even set up some kind of movie, in which she is the star actress, of course. Aside from this quirk, she's quite lofty, ready to take on the world and spread her genes with a will... but only with the perfect co-star male, of course.
Cyborware: Jaddath may redeem one minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.
Name: Createoth
Sponsored by: Shy of the Vella Crean
Gender: Female
Colour: Pale Red
Breed: Vella Crean Light Court
Abilities: Summon Fireball, Defensive Magic, Telepathy, Teleportation, Verbal Speech
Size: Blue-Sized
Height: 24'
Genetic Rating: not available
Personality: Createoth is a quiet dragon, one who listens and learns as much as she can about the world around her, without giving away anything about herself. It's hard to say what she's really like, as she does such a good job of putting up a distant and cool mask.
Cyborware: Createoth may redeem one minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.