Dragon Applications


Colours: For a dragon to be eligible to participate in the BW&R project, he or she needs to be black, white or red in colour, or be mostly those colours. Dragons that are black with red and/or white markings are preferred, especially dragons that are more likely to pass on only those genes to their offspring.
Update: Dragons that are pearlescent, or metallic, or have gem-tones in black, red or white flavors are also welcome to apply!

Features: There are no special features that a dragon requires to participate at the moment, though those with the typical number of limbs (two forelimbs, two hindlimbs, and two wings) are preferred, as well as dragons with only one head. Those with unique features are likely to be accepted over those that are typically 'plain' looking.

Application Form

User Name: (Your name or online nickname.)
Email: (The email I can reach you at.)
Dragon's URL: (Link me to an adult image of your dragon.)
Dragon's Name: (What is your dragon's full name?)
Dragon's Gender: (Male or female preferred, hermaphrodite accepted.)
Dragon's Breed: (Please try to be as accurate as possible.)
Dragon's Colour(s): (Black preferred over Red preferred over White preferred over other colours.)
Dragon's Personality: (A short blurb will do.)
Dragon's Abilities: (Firebreath, Telepathy, etc.)
Email Form

Current Participants

White Hybrid Cat-Dragon Asemharis          (Icecat) Black-Green SCD Mutt Byizmaeth          (Dray)
Red-Gold Tavrayn Tarjal'Alkar          (Yakima)          (Yakima) Black-Red Dragon Whorling Kahan          (DF)
Black-Red-White-Silver Lesser Kynnese Breeagh          (DF) Black-Orange Eastern Cyrnan Iryth'a          (Kless)
Chaos Coal AAM Beast Cheran'khan          (JKatkina) Rainbow-Pointed White Old World Lyeth          (Kless)
Black-Blue Soulseer/Divinelight Hybrid Cyldur-Syaess          (Kless) Red Wyvern Raeh'li          (Samber)
Black-Copper Danachian Kaymin          (Kless) White-Gold Geperna Sirneo'Mybl          (Cacopheny)
Red-Grey-Orange Komoru          (DF) White-Black Gryvern Mahu-ike          (Sera)
Red-White Hathina/Piralan Neinau Selamputo          (JKatkina) Firey Black Catdragon Hybrid Lecirera Friskers          (IceCat)
Black-Red Chaos Mutt Ombet          (Phoenix) Red-White-Black Piralan/Fiamma Draconis Hybrid Sirisen Sislen-Oranato          (Mystic)
Molten Red/Black Cascatan/Drak Bormaike Silvacaela          (Xalia) Black Opal (Hermaphrodite) Phantom          (Mystic)

Silver web dun bone-sparred embermica-winged black-mottled claret Moirean Seidai          (Mystic)

Past Participants

Red-White Calyeni Mutt Brychwynth          (Generation 2 - Shard) Green-White-Red Eusyscth          (Generation 3 - Kayla)
Red-Black-White SCD Mutt Ryoniko          (Generation 1 - Phoenix) Black-Red-White Dragon Whorling Frienstra          (Generation 5 - Myrror)
Onyx-Gold Featherdragon Selon          (Generation 4 - Keilin Alyr) Green-White-Red Ryslen Flurrier Siclassenth          (Generation 1 - Rachael)
Red-Black Geperna Ayoda'Vuku          (Generation 6 - Yakima) Black-Red-Silver Schattarnaki Sila-Saph          (Generation 7 - Kayla)
White/Red/Blue/Purple Lesser Kynnese Ruhyndriad          (Generation 8 - Myrror)

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All text and images on this site are copyright (c) Dray, aka Terry Lynn Massey, unless otherwise noted.