
FemaleContactMaleContactSponsors (Name and Origin)Contact
JaanaMailTrey ZeMailFin, from Star CityMail
Menma YrenvarMailDantissMailNaoryn, from KilandaiaMail
SamanthaMailThe GeneralMailVenotrea & Nokileth, from AanusilMail
MykhaMailGoranMailFrux Ivou, from AvengaeaMail
BrylinMailGareshMailSiebel & Ineju, from DrioloMail
BunnieMailSachaMailAli, from Starthief CastleMail
D'nalaMailMerogian MaltaloboMailTiger Felris, from Clan Akelera (?)Mail
TanikaMailIalin LisanoMailOnessa, from Nidus AvengaeaMail
Vestia KanoMailAnosisMailSilver Midnight, from Star City(?)Mail
Araaye JeynaMailAnamor DarkstoneMail--------
XhosaMailEstairuMailDarreon Ay'Raiasha, from ?Mail
KisaMailMaikamel Ay'RaiashaMail--------
Alex LaerirMail----------------

Accepting more characters over the 20-something cut-off until April 30th !

Candidate/Sponsor Count
FemalesMalesSponsorsTotal#/20 (Before Ceremony Can Proceed)

Last Updated


(Like almost all frenzy events, this one has a few rules for candidates and sponsors. While they're mostly the same as with any other event, please read ahead, as there are some differences! Thank you.)

The General Stuff

1) Every page must be complete before you apply! I will not accept reserves or stats pages, so don't ask for them!

2) Candidates and sponsors certainly don't have to be Pern related, though they're welcome! Your candidate or sponsor may come from any world, though they must be sentient, and must be able to take care of their dragon.

3) I would prefer that your page(s) be child-safe. If they aren't, please label so clearly on your page!

4) You must have a working link to Star City and/or The Fur and Feathers Frenzy. Please use the proper title, not 'here'.

5) Once you get your dragon, you have two weeks to get the image up. If you do not, I'll be cheerfully taking them back. If you can't get your image up within two weeks, mail me, Dracothrope, before the two weeks are up.

6) Join, or at least keep tabs on the Kshau Protectorate Yahoo Group, or the Knux Board! Announcements to bondings will go out through this group.

The Frenzy Specific Stuff

7) Bonding Ceremonies will go out in waves of about twenty at a time, to save my sanity. You may submit as many characters as you like, but please don't swamp me! Group stories will be accepted, so long as said stories are relevant to the frenzy, and aren't just "Billy, Bob and Joe go here, while Sally, Lisa and Trisha go here." XP Those are frustrating.

8) Sponsors are allowed, however, they are are to be treated like candidates.
I know that some people use the word 'sponsor' for unbonded dragonets, but in this case, the term 'sponsor' applies to a person (human or otherwise) who wishes to adopt a dragonet, but not bond them. A sponsor could be a person who already has a bond, or someone who simply doesn't want that mental link...
Your sponsor-character(s) must have a story to accompany them, and may apply again to bring another unbonded dragon back from the next ceremony--assuming that more is written for them, of course.

9) You must have read all of these rules! You know that little catch, where you have to say something completely silly/off topic along with your application? Well... if you've read all of the rules thus far, you may have noticed that I've changed them around from in the past. So, if you've read the updated rules, tell me what came first, the chicken, or the egg.
Like in the past, there will be a role-play session (usually only one) in which you can play your characters interacting with dragonets. These will be announced about a week ahead of schedule, and then a few hours preceeding. If you can't make it, don't worry. You'll still get a dragonet! Roleplay is mostly for fun, and for me to kill my brain a little. ;P

10) There will not be searchriders for the ceremony. Any candidate is welcome to sign up of their own volition! There will be people available to talk to about the ceremony (and feel free to email me if you need more info), but there won't be any snorting, snifting blues wandering about.

The Theme

While the theme for the first wave of bondings was 'Going Home', you aren't required to follow this throughout the second wave and onward. This time around, you may write about whatever you want... if you need need a theme, you can stick with the former, or email me for a new one. >3 I'll be giving them out at random... and you'll get extra brownie-points for following 'em well.

Persons of Note

(If you feel the need to use some of the local characters in your story, please feel free to do so! Being the selfish person that I am, I'll let you know in advance that you get brownie points for using them well. :P

Minister of Flights and Hatchings, Driolo and outlying areas: Croste (Harvey).
Human, in his late fifties, Croste (Crow-st, not Crosty! Damn telemarketers...) has sun-browned skin and silver hair, dark eyes and a dour expression, more times then not. He's a gruff man, though he's a lot gruffer towards grown adults then to children. See him if something goes seriously wrong, or if you'd like to know more about anything dragon in Driolo.

Minister of Flights and Hatchings, Star City: Siche Four
Feline-anthro, in her mid fourties. Siche is the one to talk to, if you want to know more about the frenzy's bonding project, but haven't yet visited Driolo. However, she's a very busy minister! You're more likely then not to get one of her assistants then her, and if you manage to catch her, watch out for her overprotective Remorai, Sin! Siche is often aloof and in a rush, and will only give you as much time as she feels necessary.

Coordinator of Driolo's Bonding Project: Demulcei Jariane
An Avengaean Fire-Light crossbreed, she's only a few years into mature adulthood, but already she's got the mad coordinating skills. Demulcei is usually more then happy to answer questions, though she may be too busy to give a tour. She has an iridescent and red hide, and long iridescent reddish/orange hair in dragon form. In human form, she has deeply tanned skin and iridescent hair. Ask her about the processes of the bonding project... just don't mention Frada or the Ampilae. Please.

Ampilo, Co-coordinator of Driolo's Bonding Project: Frada Meredia
An Avengaean Water-Light crossbreed, she's the equivalent of being in her mid-fifties. She has blue-tinted fur, a Light's head-horn and a Water's tail-fin. In human form she has blue-tinted pale skin and coral pink hair. In both form she carries a motherly, approachable aura. While she will answer any questions you might have, take her words with a grain of salt... we're not sure what next scheme she might be up to.

Ampilo's Aide: Tikrish Chanter
An Avengaean Daemon, centaurian in build and resembling a cross between a human and a black demon, he's equivalent to about thirty. He has black fur and skin, dark eyes and dark grey hair, and wears very little in the way of clothing. While he is generally very quiet and polite, Tikrish does not seem the kind to approach for help. Or even mild conversation, for that matter, especially not if you're a magic user!

Head Nurse and Caretaker of Kits, Amniomancer: Nanny Bitsu
An alien creature of insectine build, Nanny is genderless, but some how manages to convey a motherly attitude. It has eight legs, the first pair of which are very delicate, with many hair-like sensors, the second of which are used for ordinary manipulation, and the hind four of which are used for walking. Its carapace is black, though it shines with beetle-iridescent green in high light. Powerful with psionics (this is how it speaks), Nanny is the one to talk to when anything related to dragonets comes up. Don't be afraid of its peculiar build, it really is a gentle, knowledgeable soul!

Head of Instructors: Aedelian Landwerlen
An Avengaean Air dragon, he's a mature adult, with bronzey fur and a youthful leggyness and attitude. He's in charge of teaching the kits in the complex how to master their abilities, so speak to him if you'd like to know more in that area. Just be warned, he's a bit of a mind-snoop!

Aquatic Instructor: Lhaaerrryiie
Though this instructor insists his name is spelled as you see above, most people settle for calling him "Larry." He is of an aquatic race that resembles a cross between shark and lionfish, and speaks via telepathy. He wears a cyborware harness that keeps his gills wet and oxygenated, and is also loaded with hoverpacks so he can "swim" around the complex. Magic keeps his blue-grey hide from broiling in the desert climate, but even so he's most often found inside an air-conditioned building or in the river. Though not as mean as he looks, he's still brusque and irritatingly blunt. Don't take it personally if he says something that irritates you. The Class B IHD that accompanies him and acts as his hands, Jenine, is a polite and well-behaved unit that will happily apologize on Larry's behalf. She has a blue-metal body and a green ÔeyeÕ.

The Form

Name/Online ID:
Character's Name:
Character's URL:
Character's Gender:
Character's Species/Race/Origin:
Does your Character wish to Bond a Dragon or to Sponsor?:
General Preferences (Gender, Colour, Parents, etc.):

Email to Dracothrope