General Information


All of the dragons born at Driolo's bonding complex have last names, thanks to Frada's insistance about Avengaean tradition. While some dragons have been named by their parents, and others have chosen their own first names, all either have their mother's last names. If their mother (and father) do not have a last name, Frada has very conveniently created one to suit each dragonet. Their last names are a composite: "Filide____", meaning "Child of ____" A child of Dziewedanth, for example, would have the last name "Filidedziewedanth". If the mother's last name starts with a vowel, then the last name sounds more like "Filid____". For instance, Elaka's offspring will have a last name "Filidelaka".

All of these last names should be passed on from mother to clutch, with the female's last names being dominant. If a male with a last name mates with a female who has none, then the male's last name should substitute. At least... this is what Frada believes. ;P


Sizes of dragons for the Fur and Feathers Frenzy are in comparison to all of the dragons present, but may not necessarily be standard amongst the dragoning world. For instance, a 'medium' dragon from the frenzy might be smaller then an Old-World medium, etc. For height purposes, these are measured to the head, not the shoulder!

Extra Small: 5' tall, 10' long
Small: 6-7' tall, 11-15' long
Medium-Small: 8-10' tall, 16-20' long
Medium: 11-15' tall, 21-30' long
Medium-Large: 16-20' tall, 31-40' long
Large: 21-25' tall, 41-50' long
Extra-Large: 26-30'+ tall, 51-60'+ long

Latent Abilities

Latent Abilities are those that a dragon can pass on from generation to generation. The abilities listed for each dragon on their pickup page may or may not be the only ones that that dragon has... they are simply the abilities which, when bred, are most certain to be passed on to offspring.

Level: Determines how proficient a dragon is with its ability. A high level means that the dragon has an equal, if not better grasp on its ability then its parent(s). A low level means that a dragon's ability will only be a fraction of the parents'.

Ability Descriptions:

Acid Spitting: A Drak-based ability, spitting acid is just what it sounds like. The potency of the acid is determined by the level of the ability.

Acid Spray: Similar to Acid Spitting, this fedra-bred ability allows a dragon to spit a continuous spray of acid.

Air and Illusion Magic: This wide-ranging ability allows its user to summon, control and dispel wind, summon air from nothingness, and create, control and dispel basic illusions.

Become Fire: Allows a dragon to literally turn into fire for a short period of time.

Bolt Breath: A lightning breath attack, this ability allows the user to literally spit an arc of lightning... the proficiency of the user determines whether or not the bolt can hit its target.

Bolt Majyck: This ability allows the user to create, control, and dispel strong electrical currents akin to lightning.

Bubble Breath: A Wyld-bred ability that allows the user to literally breath a stream of bubbles. This ability is not very useful when fighting.

Control Fire: Like 'Fire Ability', allows the user to control fire already present, though 'Control Fire' allows for more accurate control.

Create Lightning: Creates bolts of lightning, but can not control them.

Create Thick Smoke Cloud: This Fedra-based ability allows a dragon to create a thick smoke cloud out of nothingness.

Create Water: Allows a dragon to create water out of nothingness.

Create Waterspout: This Fedra-based ability allows a dragon to create a high pressure pocket water out of nothingness, and to propel it upwards from the ground.

Decay Bite: When a dragon bites its target, the flesh and muscle around the bite begins to rot and fall away.

Dematerialize: This ability allows the user to become intangible in the physical realm for certain periods of time.

Destroy Demon: Allows a user to dispel or destroy demonic creatures.

Destroy Undead: Allows a user to dispel or destroy undead creatures.

Diamond Claws: Using this ability causes a dragon's claws to become unnaturally strong; immune to most damage.

Dimension Walking: This ability allows a dragon to pass through different dimensions, or universes.

Earth and Plant Magic: This wide-ranging ability allows its user to manipulate earth and foundations, summon earth and rock out of nothingness, as well as encouraging and controlling plant growth.

Fire Ability: Can control fire already present.

Fire and Heat Magic: This general ability allows a dragon to summon, control, and extinguish fire, as well as add heat to an object or place.

Fire Breath: Allows a dragon to breath fire.

Fire Majyck (Lv. 1): An ability passed down from a Fire Majyck using Wyld. Control small amounts of fire already present.

Fire Walking: Provides immunity from fire.

Focus: This ability allows its user to slow time around it, so that it can do much more in a short time then otherwise physically possible.

Functional Magic: A wide-ranging ability that allows the user to do anything from enchanting an object to change temperature, to casting a protective spell, to creating a communication or light charm. Functional magic covers more then this, but you get the general idea.

Gene Manipulation: Allows the user to do basic physical alterations to the unborn of those with Avengaean Daemon blood in them.

Guile: Allows the user to step up their natural ability to decieve targets. This ability can be used on a single target or on groups.

Hallucination Bite: When a dragon bites its target, the target becomes delirious and begins to hallucinate.

Healing: Allows a dragon to heal itself and others of various sizes of wounds.

Healing Majyck: A form of Wyld-based magic that works much like the ability above.

Heat Magic: This ability allows a user to add or take away heat from an object, place or person.

Holy Magic: This ability can be used to summon angellic presences, induce karmic reactions in a target, and dispel or destroy undead or unholy things.

Ice Breath: Allows the dragon to spit a stream of freezing ice and frost.

Intimidation: This ability causes a dragon to appear more menacing then they might naturally be. It can be used on a single target or on groups.

Invisibility: Allows a dragon to become invisible for a period of time.

Jet of Lava: This Fedra-bred breath-attack allows a dragon to spew a stream of molten, rock-like substance.

Jet of Water: This Fedra-bred breath-attack allows a dragon to spew a stream of water.

Levitation: Like Telekinesis, allows the user to lift and move objects using only the mind.

Life Majyck: An ability that originated with Wylds, Life Majyck allows the user to increase the general health of the target, or to keep the life from fleeing one who is gravely ill. It can be used as very potent fertility magic, and can not be used to summon life from the dead.

Light Breath: A Beam of light, emitted from the mouth, which can be focused or spread more diffusely, as the dragon wishes.

Light and Order Magic: This wide-ranging ability allows its user to summon, control and dispel light, as well as bring calm and order to people and less intelligent creatures. This ability also allows the dragon to seem more confident and leader-like in the eyes of others then it might actually be.

Magic Suction: Allows the dragon to absorb and use the magic it draws from those objects or people around it.

Paralyze Bite: When the user of this ability bites a target, the target becomes paralyzed for a period of time.

Poison Claws: When the user of this ability scratches a target, the target becomes ill, displaying symptoms of nausea, delirium, and worse.

Poisonous Bite: Much like Poison Claws, this ability allows the user to deliver symptoms of nausea, delirium, and worse through a single bite.

Portal Creation: Allows the user to open and maintain a portal that goes from place to place.

Psionics: The blanket term used for Telepathy (sending and recieving words with the mind), Empathy (sending and recieving emotions with the mind), Telekinesis (manipulation of objects with the mind) and Teleportation (instant movement of objects from place to place with the mind).

Pyrokinetics: The creation, control, and dispelling of fire, explosives, and fire-works.

Rain Magic: Allows the dragon to summon, control and dispel rain.

Searing Claws: When a dragon scratches its target, its claws leave acidic searing, slow healing marks.

Seedling Reproduction: Provided that another flowering dragon's pollen is in the area, a flowering dragon with this ability may reproduce much like an Avengaean Earth dragon, instead of giving birth.

Shadow Magic: This general ability allows a dragon to manipulate, solidify and travel through the use of shadows. It also allows them to use shadows to create illusions and induce fear in a target.

Shift Size: This ability allows its user to shift their size. A higher level means that the dragon can shift to larger or smaller size than a lower level would allow.

Shifting Abilities: Depending on the level, shifting abilities allow a dragon to change into an anthropomorphized version of itself, into another dragon, or even into a human.

    Levels 1-3: Dragon can shift into a biped or anthropomorph version of itself.
    Levels 4-6: Dragon can shift from its mother's form to its father's form.
    Levels 7-10: Dragon can shift from mother's form to father's form to a human form.

Spout of Lava: This Fedra-bred ability allows the the user to summon lava from nothingness and then propel it upwards from the ground.

Suavity: Allows the user to magnify their natural charm. Can be used on individuals or on groups.

Summon Demon: This ability allows a dragon to summon a demonic presence, but not necessarily to control it.

Summon Elemental (Fire): A Wyld-based ability, this allows a dragon to summon a semi-sentient fire-based elemental.

Summon Fire: Allows the user to summon fire out of nothingness.

Summon Fire Elemental: Allows the user to summon a semi-sentient fire-elemental to do its bidding.

Summon Hail: This ability allows a dragon to summon hail-stones out of nothingness.

Summon Ice: This ability allows a dragon to summon ice out of nothingness.

Summon Rain: This ability allows its user to summon rain, but not to control it.

Summon Sickness: This ability allows a dragon to summon sickness in a single individual. The higher the level, the more powerful and contagious the sickness is.

Summon Smoke: This Fedra-bred ability allows the user to summon a cloud of smoke, but does not allow them to direct it.

Summon Storm: This ability allows a dragon to summon storms, but not to control them.

Summon Winds: Allows the user to summon, but not control wind.

Summon Undead: This ability allows a dragon to summon all of the recently (and not so recently) dead in the area, and bind them to a temporary form of unlife but doesn't allow the dragon to control them.

Telekinesis: The ability to move objects using only the mind.

Telepathy: The ability to speak with only the mind.

Teleportation: The ability to move objects instantly from place to place using only the mind.

Thick Hide: Makes the user's hide less prone to bruises, scratches and general small wounds.

Vocal Speech: The ability to speak verbally, rather then telepathically.

Water/Deep Breath: Allows the user to hold their breath under water for extended periods of time.

Water Magic: This general ability allows a dragon to summon, control, and dispell water.

Water Majyck: A Wyld-bred ability that works almost exactly as the ability above!

Weather Magic: Allows a dragon to summon, control and dispel clouds, rain, wind, and basic temperature shifts.

Wind Magic: This general ability allows a dragon to summon, control, and dispell wind.
