
Hatchling Adult

Firelizard image from Falas Weyr.

Name: Mishka
Egg from: Falas Weyr
Age: Adult
Sex: Female
Species: Firelizard
Size: 8" tall
Colour: White
Personality: A shy, quiet soul, Mishka is highly independant. All she needs is to be fed and watered, and perhaps given some love and attention from time to time, and she's fine. She's a bright little flit, and usually amuses herself with some new toy or other that Piotrich makes. She loves shiny things, and will often perch herself at a mirror for hours on end, staring, pecking, and crooning at her own image. She rarely gets into conflict with her sibling and co-bond, Ty--probably because she doesn't attempt to vie for Piotrich's attention unless for something important.

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