Abandoned Dragons
Abandoned dragons are those whose bonds or sponsors have either died or disowned them, or otherwise left them to their own devices. Every dragon born at Star City that has stayed around to take classes has been taught that if there is no other way to solve a problem, the space station is a good place to turn, and because of this, most if not all abandoned dragons seek Star City to ease their pain. Those dragons that return to the station are given free counseling, and those with a predisposition to bonding are urged to try to do so again, with the support and screening that the Ministry of Draconic Relations to help them. Some dragons don't naturally bond, but return to the station anyways. New caretakers are often searched for, for young dragons, while non-bonded companions are sought for mature ones. In any case, a rigorous screening process is put in place to match these dragons with prospective bonders, to avoid another unhappy experience. | ||||
Abandoned Adoption Rules | ||||
The Dragons | |
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Name: Odarmer
Gender: Male Colour: Green-Brown Breed: Edelweiss-Cattail Plant Dragon Size: Small (5') Parents: Irua & Bonmer Clutch: SCD15 Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation Personality: Odarmer is just as quiet and peaceful as he was when abandoned. Laid back and letting literally anything roll off his back, he's just as sedately happy to have returned to Star City as he would be to be travelling with a companion. Looking For: An equally relaxed companion, prefers plant-types or plant-lovers. Odarmer may or may not re-bond, depending on how much he likes the prospective adopter. |
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Name: Dramii
Gender: Male Colour: Teal-Dusted Green Breed: Hybrid Size: Medium (13') Parents: Kaliinse & Niizilith Clutch: SCD17 Abilities: Psionics (Telepathy, Teleportation, Telekinesis), Assisted Fire-Breath Personality: Dramii is a shadow of the warrior he once was. His bond, also a warrior and a very close friend, was killed on the battlefield and Dramii is still haunted by his death. Returning to the peace of the space station, he is at a loss as to how to move on but is hoping, perhaps, to ship out for hard work or to fly in a war to bury his sorrows. Looking For: A commander or warrior to order him around; someone who will put him hard to work for a while. Would prefer not to re-bond. Alternately, someone who will be able to soothe his pain. Dibsed!: Mystic (Owes a story) |
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Name: Mingeeth
Gender: Female Colour: Pale Green Breed: Vella Crean Light Court Size: Large (21') Parents: Sallaketh & Thisevith Clutch: SCD19 Abilities: Summon Fireball, Defensive Magic, Telepathy, Teleportation, Verbal Speech Personality: Something of a goof, Mingeeth and her twin brother Mongeeth pretty much left their sponsor without forewarning, deciding that they liked Star City better then what their sponsor's home could provide. She's imperturbable, but she loves to receive attention and always has. She'll make a fuss about finding a new companion, and may or may not leave her brother behind. Looking For: Someone free-spirited, attentiong-giving, and fun. Dibsed!: Starburst (Owes a story) |
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Name: Mongeeth
Gender: Male Colour: Pale Blue Breed: Vella Crean Light Court Size: Large (24') Parents: Sallaketh & Thisevith Clutch: SCD19 Abilities: Summon Fireball, Defensive Magic, Telepathy, Teleportation, Verbal Speech Personality: Mongeeth and his twin-sister, Mingeeth, decided to leave their sponsor on a whim and this blue, at least, is looking for someone who will pay him more respect. He's an attention-seeker as well and can be pretty vehement in his speeches, but he's also lazy and sometimes too stubborn for his own good. Usually he means well, at least. Looking For: Someone free-spirited, respect-giving, and fun. Dibsed!: Starburst (Owes a story) |
Dragon Rider Pairs | |
Here are some special cases amongst the abandoned dragons of Star City. The dragons and riders listed below belonged to Drakiera, who has requested her dragons be re-adopted with riders attached, if possible. As she will soon be deleting her pages, pertinent information will be listed for both dragon and rider. Since these dragons are special cases, the above rules do not quite apply. You don't have to write an entirely new story to pick them up if you choose to adopt both rider and dragon--you only need to re-page them, and then you can play with them however you like. If you only want the dragon, and would rather not have the rider, you need to write me a story about how the rider and dragon became separated, the more detailed the better! In addition to that, you'll need your new bonder/sponsor to come into the story in order to pick up the dragon. I will keep the humanoid portion of the rider/dragon pairing, and keep them available for you if you happen to have a giveaway dragon who'd like a bond, but you can't think one up yourself. That is, unless I choose to keep them for myself! | |
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Name: Taresun
Gender: Female Colour: Brown-Red-White Breed: Wyld Size: Small (5') Parents: Teset & Seram Clutch: SCD02 Abilities: Flaming Acid Breath (lvl. 7), Size-Shifting Cyborware: Platinum Filigree Personality: A perfectly stubborn individual, Taresun will never take 'no' for an answer. When she wants something, there's no stopping her. She may not fit in with others, but she doesn't give a flying cow-pie about it. She does what she wants, when she wants to, and if this labels her different, then so be it. She will, however, make concessions for her bond, but only for him. Original Link: http://www.mythicalae.com/units/explorers/taresun.html Bond: Ranaki Ukten
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Name: Fori
Gender: Female Colour: Cream-Orange Breed: Moirean/Calyeni Hybrid Size: Medium-Large (17') Parents: Tegwenessa & Haust Clutch: SCD04 Abilities: Fire Breath, Teleportation, Limited Telepathy Cyborware: Rainbow Lumi-Wire - curling patterns on wings Personality: Though she is definitely confident in herself, Fori could not really be called arrogant or even proud. She simply knows her strengths and weaknesses and acts accordingly. Playful as a hatchling, as she grows that playfulness can easily turn into harmless flirting. She is very caring towards her bond, and wants to help her in any way she can. Original Link: http://www.mythicalae.com/units/explorers/fori.html Bond: Yenya Litei
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Name: Remalue
Gender: Male Colour: Semi-Zappy Red Breed: Calyeni-Born Dragon Size: Very Large (26') Parents: Jirairtai & Shyam Clutch: SCD05 Abilities: Firebreath, Teleportation, Limited Telepathy Cyborware: White Lumi-Wire - lightning patterns on wings. Personality: Loud, blunt, and obnoxious, Remalu often finds himself grating on people's nerves before he can think about what he's saying. He's got a good heart, it's just that he has a very hard time thinking before he speaks. Original Link: http://wkw.envy.nu/mythicalae/lost_era/sanctuary/remalu.html Bond: (Remalu is bondless, and works the same as other abandoned dragons for rules!) |
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Name: Xyretik
Gender: Female Colour: Yellow Breed: Fire Ridge Ryshathian Hybrid Size: Medium-Large (18') Parents: Narafth & Kihiniraak Clutch: SCD12 Abilities: Teleportation, Limited Telepathy Personality: Quiet but dangerous, Xyretik is a dragoness to be reckoned with. She can often be contrary. While winning her over to a cause can prove indespensable, as she's a strong-willed dragon, losing her interest or trust can prove disastrous. Original Link: http://mythicalae.com/units/half-dragons/xyretik.html Bond: Cyxyr
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Name: Zorath
Gender: Male Colour: Blue Breed: Pernese Size: Medium-Large (19') Parents: Daellanth & Elkeruth Clutch: SCD16 Abilities: Assisted Fire-Breath, Telepathy, Teleportation, Search-Capable Personality: Zorath is incredibly charming... he'd be a lady-killer if he were intent upon such things! As it is, it's easy to be friends with him, or even just to like him, especially since he seems to like liking people in return! This blue, like most blues, has the talent to Search candidates, but in him the talent is very strong. Original Link: http://www.mythicalae.com/units/main/farazo.html Bond: F'zo (Farazo)
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Name: Osanith
Gender: Female Colour: Gold Breed: Pernese Size: Very Large (25') Parents: Daellanth & Elkeruth Clutch: SCD16 Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation Personality: Osanith is a queen of mysterious ways. She's by no means irresponsible, but she does have a streak for mischief making. Very open-minded, for a gold, she is a 'hears-all-humans' dragon, amazingly enough! Where most dragons are so focused on their bonds as to exclude out all other non-dragon life, Osanith has the miraculous ability to hear and even to speak with other riders! She uses this to the utmost in order to cause said mischief, though that seems a given. Original Link: http://mythicalae.tripod.com/units/main/sanoki.html Bond: Sanoki
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Name: Neleneth
Gender: Female Colour: Glassy Blue Breed: TSCZ-Hybrid Size: Very Large (27') Parents: Trialth & Neywice Clutch: SCD21 Abilities: Sleep Magic, Ice Magic, Telepathy, Teleportation Cyborware: Crest jewelry Personality: Neleneth's trickery extends more to the arts of diversion and distraction. If she were just a tad smaller (who are we kidding, a lot smaller!) she'd make an excellent spy. Her sleep magic is unmatched, her ice magic, deadly. She has a chilly personality, and digging deeper into her psyche rarely reveals more then hard-packed, distanced coldness. She only shows any sort of affection towards Ildech, and even then, it is more what you'd expect from an unusual acquaintance, then from a deeply bonded pair. Original Link: http://www.mythicalae.com/units/half-dragons/neleneth.html Bond: Ildech