Flight 10
(Mayonaka, Jiora, Shotgun, Gatica & Sanodie's Flight Story)
It is time... Mayonaka declared, and the defiant screech that she let out to the males gathered on the flight deck echoed in Andressaa's mind. Lordess was up instantly, as Cakah and Ahass readied themselves. The entrance to her quarters swung open, and a tall man with dark hair and eyes, which told that he was long lost to sanity, stepped in, smiling. She could hear her sentry's low hiss and see exoskeleton bubbling beneath his flesh. Easy, she snapped at him before directing her thoughts to her bondmate. It was a just a human anyway...like loyal pets, they were easy to deal with in these scenarios. Sit. Good boy. Besides, Lordess would have his chance: twice over, in fact, if Ahass and Cakah were worth their salt.
![]() Outside, Mayonaka pinned a herdbeast under her weight, smashing its ribs in with one of her feet. Suck the blood out of it only, Andressaa insisted, and the xeno-queen hissed. What was the point? Agitated, she picked up the carcass in her mouth, and flung it towards Ahass. The warrior leapt out of the way at the last moment to avoid being squashed by dead Inyu. While he was distracted, Mayonaka took flight, spreading her wings and shrieking a mating cry into the air of the flight deck. She could feel them all behind her...their heat...their lust. Lordess' warriors...the only ones of her own kind who were here. Then, there were the two long-beasts, built like dragons but only stranger, and warmer, with minds as hazy and dark as death itself. Then...there was the hydra. Oh yes, he was the interesting one. She had no need to even "see" him to know what he was. Nothing had that same whispering, twisted pattern of thought like one of these many-headed dragons. They were worthy...all worthy. The question was: what were they worth? The xeno-queen pulled a tight curve around the flight deck, veering in towards the pack of males before flicking her massive wingspan and swerving outwards again. Tollitszo made the mistake of trying to catch Mayonaka from beneath as she turned. However, to his surprise, she caught him. Her claws and teeth dug into his fur and flesh, biting and tearing before she twisted and flung him down towards the metal floor like a limp piece of black yarn. Idiot.
![]() Below, in the halls just outside of the flight deck, Jiora paced, growling out her emotions that were somewhere between being sheerly pissed off and sexual frustration. She didn't want anything to do with this queen, but still she felt the emotions of lust from the xenos collected inside. Damn the mindstream...damn this flight... Aggitated, Jiora leapt inside of the flight deck, finally succumbing to the strongest pull of her two emotions, but still ready to rip apart the first human she could get her claws on. One could only imagine her surprise when she was almost instantly intertwined with the wounded Tollitszo. In truth, after the initial shock, she really didn't mind...
![]() From the back end of the flight, Cakah and Ahass veered past the remaining shadow in a bit of co-operative action. As they attempted to pass Ecothet, the hydra veered on his course. Most of his heads remained focused on the xeno-queen before him, but one on each side snapped at its respective xeno-hathian. Cakah cleared the hydra's attack, but Ahass wasn't so lucky. The hydra's claws locked onto his tail and pulled him downward, his many heads snapping at the xeno. As one of the maws broke flesh and received an acid bath, Ahass shrieked his amusement and shot forward towards his queen. But, as he looked forward to steady his course, all he was greeted by was Mayonaka's tail smacking him upside the head. As she pivoted herself to turn, her tail hit him full-on, knocking the xeno out of the air. As he tumbled down towards the floor, he flapped his wings, fighting to balance himself. By sheer luck, when Ahass had finally gotten himself stable, he found himself flying mere inches above a fleeing Sanodie, who had picked a very bad time to visit the flight deck. As he reached out and grabbed her, he found that the calico mutt didn't protest too much when it came down to it.
![]() Mayonaka screeched her amusement as she led the last three males in a merry chase around the flight deck. Twisting herself nearly sideways, she pivoted herself to glide in a wide circle across the deck, using the centripetal force to help throw her upward into her next bit of near-vertical assent. As she suddenly changed directions, her suitors nearly tripped over one another, each fighting to right himself into a place behind the queen. Unfortunately for Kurmsz, he found himself sandwiched between Ecothet and Cakah, neither of which were very happy to see him. He was pelted with an onslaught of fangs and claws. He focused himself to call on his dark magic, before a hefty swing from Ecothet's tail sent him spinning downward in psuedoconsciousness. "Get off!" An agitated female voice protested, as he snapped back to reality and found that he'd fallen on top of another dragon. Actually...That's exactly what I had in mind, Kurmsz assured, giving a malicious grin and intertwining himself with a protesting Shotgun more tightly.
![]() Cakah and Ecothet flew side-by-side, each taking the occasional moment to bite and veer towards one another in attempt to stomp out the competition. The warrior hissed at the hydra, twisting his smaller, quicker body to follow Mayonaka in her path of flight. He had one thing the hydra didn't: the pull of unconditional devotion. Twisting himself to follow her movements and get ahead of her, Cakah maneuvered himself into her path, certain that she'd stop for her protector. However, Cakah's certainty quickly changed when she flew on towards him a full-speed, lifting upwards just a bit at the last moment to use whatever momentum he had left as a springboard to launch further upward. Unbalanced by her actions, Cakah tumbled through the air, twisting to right himself. Once he did get a grip on his wings again, he looked up to see Ecothet and Mayonaka high above him. He didn't stand a chance. Furious...he spiraled towards the ground. Hey! Um... a feminine voice stumbled into his mind, and he 'looked' around him to catch the heat signals of an interested female. Without so much of a word, he spun towards Gatica, who shrieked and lead him on in her own mini-chase around the flight deck.
![]() Mayonaka rumbled with contentment as she realized only the hydra was left. Good. She was tired of this, anyway. Now to put him through one last test...
The xeno-queen switched her path of ascent yet again, taking turns that led her in slow, wavering spirals around the flight deck. As she had hoped, rather than following her, he'd watched, and came straight up the middle of her loops, grabbing ahold of her. She gladly accepted, snapping her inner jaws at him to just graze the skin along the base of one of his necks. His many heads wrapped around Mayonaka, nibbling idly on her exoskeleton with a different type of hunger, and slowly, they began to descend.
![]() Andressaa snapped to attention to realize that Lordess was gone, and only the human remained. Atrocity. As he stepped forward to take her, she hissed at him, summoning the strength of her other form, and smacking him away. Bad.
As he reached down and drew a knife from his belt, Andressaa cackled. Perhaps this would be fun after all...
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