Encyclopedia Draconis
(Otherwise known as Dragon Info)


As the dragons hatched at Star City are dependent upon their parents, it isn't easy to give them simple descriptions. More will be added as more dragons are hatched, but for now, here are some of the basics.


Clutch Sizes

Clutch sizes listed below may not be the actual number of eggs that a certain breed may lay. They are listed for simplicities sake for the clutches held at Star City.


A dragon's name is usually dependent upon its parents', so a Pern-based dragon's name will end with a 'th', a xeno-dragon-based dragon's with a 'ss', and so on. If the parents are a mix, some of the offspring may have names like the mother, and some like that of the father.

Dragons on Board

Dragons aboard the station don't have any great duties such as protecting their bonds from peril (they have plenty of that to do on the surface of the planet). Instead, they are expected to help maintain the station in one way or another, by lugging materials that are too heavy for people to carry, by providing an instantaneous, telepathic network across the whole of the ship, by helping to craft parts of trade goods, and so on.


Quick Jump
Alskyrian Cy/Dracanian Danachian Mutts (Native to Star City) Vella Crean
Arx Atra Mons Beasts Fire Ridge Dou Pas/Lvarian Pernese/Old World Wyld
Avengaean Hathian Moirean TSCZ-Born Xenodragon
Calyeni/Iullerbrillan True Chaotics Mutts (General) Undead

Alskyr Dragons

Traits of this breed include similar sizes throughout all colours: from 15-25' tall and 30-50' long. All Alskyrian dragons can belch fire. Colours are not always gender specific, and some colours are tinted with other colours. There is no ranking based on colours. The personalities of Alskyrian dragons often mirrors that of their riders'. Some Alskyrians will bond with clutch mates, and a few won't bond at all. Clutches are determined by the size of parents.

Green: Usually female
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15
Blue: Usually male.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15
Purple: Usually female.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15
Brown: Usually male.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15
Cream: Usually female
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15
Red: Usually male.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15
Bronze: Usually male.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15
Silver: Usually female.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15
Gold: Usually female.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15
White: Also of either gender.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15
Black: Can be of either gender.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15

Arx Atra Mons Beasts

While there is much to be said about AAM's beasts, one thing is certain: most, if not all of these creatures are rotten and evil. For more in depth information, visit Arx Atra Mon's Info page here.
Nine different 'colours' of beasts can be found from AAM: Mud (brown-black), Ash (grey-black), Slime (green-black), Smog (blue-grey/black), Poison (purple-black), Blood (red-black), Oil (gold-black/chrome), Coal (silvery-black/chrome) and Black (black/chrome). Beasts are ranked by colour, where Mud is the lowest and black is the highest, and by level.

Basic Level: 1 head, 0-4 pairs of limbs, 1 tail, 0-1 pairs of wings, 15-35' long. Generally not very intelligent.
Eggs per clutch: ~4-6
Greater Level: 1-3 heads, 4 limbs, 1-3 tails, 0-1 pairs of wings, 36-40' long.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-9
Soldier Level: 1-3 heads, 4 limbs, 1-3 tails, 0-2 pairs of wings, 25-45' long.
Eggs per clutch: ~6-10
Imperial Level: 1-4 heads, 4 limbs, 1-3 tails, 0-2 pairs of wings, 30-50' long.
Eggs per clutch: ~7-12
Majestic Level: 2-4 heads, 4 limbs, 2-4 tails, 0-2 pairs of wings, 35-55' long.
Eggs per clutch: ~8-15
Chaos Level: 3-4 heads, 4 limbs, 2-4 tails, 1-2 pairs of wings, 40-60' long.
Eggs per clutch: ~9-16

Avengaean Dragons

Avengaeans are a breed apart from most dragons that visit Star City. For one thing, they do not bond at birth, but require a magical scroll in order to forge a permanent mental link with a potential bonder. Pure-breed Avengaeans tend to give birth to only one or two kits at a time, though half-breeds--also known as hybrids--between Avengaean dragons and other breeds may have more offspring. To find out more about Avengaean dragons, visit this site.
Avenagaean dragons come in five different breeds, though no one is more important then another. All Avengaean dragons can shift between their natural dragon form, and a predetermined human form.
Half-breeds of Avengaean dragons come in four distinct types.
Magical: These are stuck in a non-dragon form, but can use Avenagaean magic.
Mundane: These can change between a dragon and a humanoid form, but can not use magic.
Mutation: These are stuck in a form somewhere between dragon and human, and can use varying amounts of magic.
Mixed: These display traits typical of more then one of the above categories.

Light: Light dragons have a single enlongated, pigmented skullcap and a puff of long fur on the end of the tail. Their fur is pearl-white. Many have a tinted pigmentation to their underbelly and the fur at the end of their tails, such as gold or pastel blue or red. In human form, these dragons have white or tinted hair and luminous ivory skin, and eyes the color of their tint. If the dragon has no tint, the eyes will be white. As bonds, these dragons make magnificent leaders and guides, and are extremely benevolent when it suits their wishes. Unfortunately, they also tend to be pompous and more than a little arrogant while and especially after doing a good deed. A bond to a Light Dragon will have to be patient and calm to act as a mediator to the Light Dragons' sometimes over-the-top behavior.
Eggs (or offspring) per clutch: ~1-5
Fire: Fire dragons have red-coloured bodies, varying from magenta to almost orange. Their wings are large and covered with a shaggy layer of fur. They have fringes of firey fur around their heads and down their necks, and at the ends of their tails, and on ankles and elbows, and their ears are particularly long, and sometimes tufted. In human form, they have bright red hair the color of their manes, and skin that's a fairly bright coppery red. Eye color varies. As bonds, Fire Dragons are exceedingly ambitious and friendly, and overly protective. A bond to a Fire Dragon would have to be independant, strong, ambitious but patient, and posessing a playful sense of humor.
Eggs (or offspring) per clutch: ~1-5
Water: The Water Lord, Cascata, leads the Water Dragons. Water Dragons are amphibious, and have the ability to go above water for semi-long periods of time without magic and even longer time with, but they lack wings. Their tails are thick, tipped with large fins to steer and propel them, and their backs have a short ridge of similar fins that extend up the neck and flare out at the neck and jaw. Their digits are webbed, on both forelegs and back, and their limbs are very strong. Their seal-short fur is blue, often with a sheen of moonlight-silver, and the fins vary from blue-green and coral-colored to dark steel grey. In human form, their skin is silvery tinted, hair and eyes being various shades of blue and green. Water Dragons are the gossips of dragonkind. They're also affectionate, nuzzling and licking anyone they consider a friend as a greeting. Anyone who bonds a Water Dragon will either be socially experienced already - or will become so after not long.
Eggs (or offspring) per clutch: ~1-5
Earth: Earth dragons are the largest dragons, having short necks and very long tails. Their skin is scaled and earthy brown, and along their back they have emerald-colored armour. They have short, twisting jade horns, and fringes of round emerald scales around their head and neck. Young Earth Dragons develop with wings, can fly very soon after birth but eventually they lose their wings, the structures merging with their backs and becoming the hard jewelled armour adult Earth Dragons have. They are the only type of dragon with no fur anywhere on their bodies, only scales and the jewel-like armour. Despite their large size and heavy armour, they are lithe and mobile, especially in the area of the tail. In human form, these dragons have ruddy bronze skin and green hair, and varying colored eyes. As bonds, Earth Dragons are the best for eccentric, isolated, or just plain weird people. They are intelligent, though, and exceedingly creative, and the bond of an Earth Dragon will be one of the few to experience that firsthand.
Eggs (or offspring) per clutch: ~1-5
Air: They are normally a golden yellow color, with cloud-silver wing membranes, but they have the ability to blend into their surroundings like chameleons, going as clear as air. They have wide, membranous wings, and a clear eyelid to cover their eyes when they're flying, and a thin fringe-fin running from the tops of their heads to halfways down their necks, acting as a kind of second rudder, while their tails act as a primary rudder. They're thin and light, with short forearms. In human form, these dragons have silver hair and gold-tinted skin, with eyes that vary in color from blue to silver. Airs like to play, especially in the air, and consider life one big game, even when they mellow with age. They are the Zen masters of dragonkind.
Eggs (or offspring) per clutch: ~1-5


Calyeni dragons have the ability to speak telepathically as well as verbally. They are also known as Iullerbrillan dragons, as they are natives of the planet Iullerbrilla.

Eggs per clutch: ~5
Eggs per clutch: ~5
Eggs per clutch: ~7
Eggs per clutch: ~7
Eggs per clutch: ~8
Eggs per clutch: ~8
Eggs per clutch: ~10
Eggs per clutch: ~10
Eggs per clutch: ~10
Eggs per clutch: ~11
Eggs per clutch: ~12
Eggs per clutch: ~4
Eggs per clutch: ~12
Eggs per clutch: ~12

Chaos Dragons

This is another term used for 'True Chaotics', although there are 'Land', 'Water', and 'Air' dragons that look similar. To find more information, visit here. These dragons take about two years to grow to maturation, if fed properly. Their bodies are composed of shadow and smog--which makes them at least semi-intangible. They can travel through the 'elsewhere' (which is like a version of 'between' or, in Danachian terms, 'going parallel'.), either instantaneously or through hibernation. Female Chaos dragons are very rare.

Females: These are large and vicious, and require a strong hand to guide them, as well as a lot of food to grow. They posess great magic: being able to turn themselves and others invisible, fly between dimensions with ease, and shoot bolts of lightning through their eyes, they can be dangerous foe. They have the potential to learn spells.
Eggs per clutch: ~1-12
Black Males: The darkest of the males, these typical like to break things. They posess enough strength to destroy an entire planet--and that's without proper training! They have the potential to become masters in all magical and non-magical arts if they find a bonder worthy of their skill.
Eggs per clutch: ~1-12
Brilliant Males: Named after their burning white eyes, which are unlike the usual red of most Chaotic dragons. They can set things on fire with a single look.
Eggs per clutch: ~1-12
Big Males: These males are big and strong, but also slow. They have the potential to be just as intelligent as other dragons, but often don't show it unless it profits them. They have powerful telekinetic powers.
Eggs per clutch: ~1-12
Medium Males: These Chaos dragons are somewhat more grey in colour then other males. They have little in the way of magical powers. They aren't very physically powerful, either, and must develop better then average skills in flight and trickery if they wish to succeed in life.
Eggs per clutch: ~1-12
Small Males: Small and agile, like their name, these dragons are great climbers and spies. They can become experts at stealth, and seem to have a mean streak where it comes to sneaking up on and scaring people! They have the ability to camoflauge themselves--or to make themselves look different from their actual appearance.
Eggs per clutch: ~1-12
Weak Males: These dragons are physically and magically weak. They are lighter coloured then other Chaotic dragons, and show little in the psionic arts, save for basic telepathy. Typically outcasts, they are not appreciated by either their brethren or most other dragons.
Eggs per clutch: ~1-5

Cy Dragons

Traits of this breed include various psychic abilities, limited telepathy, and bonding at birth. All dragons have two long horns and long, ridgeless necks.

Yellow: Of either gender, yellows are the smallest of Cy's dragons. They're generally fast, easily exciteable, and optimistic.
Eggs per clutch: ~4
White: Also of either gender, whites don't have any one colour-wide personality-generalization.
Eggs per clutch: ~4
Green: Females only. The second smallest colour of dragon, these tend to be flighty, with highly varying mood-swings.
Eggs per clutch: ~5
Blue: Males only. Blues are about the same size as greens.
Eggs per clutch: ~5
Red: Can be of either gender, and tend to have fiery, independant attitudes. Slightly larger then blues and greens.
Eggs per clutch: ~6
Brown: Males only. Browns usually have very steady moods, high endurance, and make good, loyal fighters.
Eggs per clutch: ~7
Orange: Can be of either gender, and are about the same size as browns.
Eggs per clutch: ~7
Purple: Female only. Purples are slightly larger then oranges and browns. They usually possess motherly qualities and try to nurture those around them.
Eggs per clutch: ~8
Bronze: Male only. Bronzes are larger then browns, oranges and purples, and can sometimes act quite arrogant. They tend to take charge of situations, and generally possess leader-like capabilities.
Eggs per clutch: ~10
Silver: Male only. Silvers are peaceable, preferring thoughtful introspection over fighting.
Eggs per clutch: ~11
Gold: Female only. Like the Pernese breed, Cy golds are the queens, and are responsible for laying the most eggs. They're generally brave and proud. They're larger then even bronzes.
Eggs per clutch: ~12
Black: Male only. Blacks are very rare, and supposedly possess the traits and colours of all the other colours combined.
Eggs per clutch: ~12


Traits of this breed include fire-breathing, telepathy, self-telekinesis ("going parallel"), the ability to form a bond at birth, and medium-high intelligence from a very young age. Set-backs include life-spans directly linked to their riders, and very short, or poor memories.

Green: The smallest and most common of the Danachian breed, greens are delicate, agile and fast, but don't have much stamina. They breed often and have small or no clutches. Most are female, and most choose female or overtly homosexual males as bonds.
Eggs per clutch: ~4-6
Blue: About the same size as the greens, blues are as agile, but have higher stamina. They are mostly male, and may choose females or males, though most choose males.
Eggs per clutch: ~4-6
Lavender: Considered a medium height in the Danachian size range, Lavenders have enough stamina to last several hours in strenuous flying conditions before having to rest. They're moderately agile, but don't have the same speed that Blues and Greens do. Most are softly metallic in colour. All are female, and most, if not all choose females as bonds. Some may chose males.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-8
Purple: Very much like Lavender dragons, Purples vary only in hide-colouration. Most have softly metallic hides. All are female, and most, if not all choose females as bonds. Some may chose males.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-8
Copper: The male equivalent of Lavenders and Purples, Coppers are medium sized Danachian dragons. All are male, and most, if not all choose males as bonds. Some may chose females.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-8
Black: Black dragons of the Danachian breed are large in size. They have superb stamina, but are slow to turn, and are comparatively slow to their smaller sisters and brothers. They generally command a high ranking position in a Cathair or dragonry, and are more likely to catch Starries in flight. All are male. All blacks choose males as bonds.
Eggs per clutch: ~6-10
Silver: Silver dragons of the Danachian breed are much like Blacks, in size, strength, and intelligence. All are male. All silvers choose males as bonds.
Eggs per clutch: ~6-10
Starry: The largest Danachian dragons, Starries are the main egg layers, much like Pernese Golds. They're much larger then Blacks and Silvers, and are slow, lumbering fliers. Starry dragons command the most respect of any of their breed. Their hide colouration is generally a highly metallic cream colour. All Starries are female. All Starries choose females as bonds.
Eggs per clutch: ~6-12
Raug: Mentioned only because there are so many of them, the Raug dragons are of Danachian descent, and are similar only in the fact that they all have rainbow markings of one kind or another. They can be male or female, their underlying hide any colour mentioned above, and their size varies from small to huge. They tend to bond with humanoids of the same gender, though many bond hatch-mates.
Eggs per clutch: ~4-12

Fire Ridge Dragons

Of the Fire Ridge dragons, only the dark variety have come into contact with Star City, so the dark variety is what is listed below. Of this sub-breed, females are generally larger then their male counterparts, and all of the colours are a muted, more putrid tone of their similarly coloured cousins.

Loden Green: Size varies from average green-sized to as large as an Old-World Queen, with equal numbers of males to females at a hatching. They tend to choose the conniving sort (either subservient or leader-like) as bonds.
Eggs per clutch: ~4-10
Malicious Brown: From the size of a green to as large as a brown, there are as many female Malicious Brown's as males. They tend to choose stolid, hard-working, capable people as bonds.
Eggs per clutch: ~4-6
Vile Red: Size varies from the size of a brown to that of a Queen, with equal numbers of males and females likely to appear at a hatching. They most often choose capable, charismatic types as bonds.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-10
Chaos Warlord: Size range for these is from bronze to gold. Unlike the previous three breeds, Chaos' hides do not show any one colour. Instead, they have swirling, chromatic (ie. non-metallic) coloured scales. Chaos' (both Warlords and Queens) are rare, and tend to bond to the strongest of people.
Eggs per clutch: ~8-10
Chaos Queen: Size range is from Old World queen and up. Unlike the previous three breeds, Chaos' hides do not show any one colour. Instead, they have swirling, chromatic (ie. non-metallic) coloured scales. Chaos' (both Warlords and Queens) are rare, and tend to bond to the strongest of people.
Eggs per clutch: ~10+


Hathians are able to speak telepathically to anyone, or verbally if their audience knows their native language. From birth they are able only to communicate with emotions or images, though their intelligence increases as they grow. For more information on Hathian dragons, read here.
When it comes to shoulder plates and horns, most Hathians have both in gold. A few, however, have silver plates and horns, and even fewer have both in black.
Hathian dragons can and sometimes do 'dual-bond', that is, two dragons will bond a single person. In this case, two different coloured dragons are more likely to bond then two of the same colour, and two silver or unusually coloured dragons are very unlikely to bond a single person.
Most Hathians are about fifteen feet tall, and thirty to fourty feet long. They have short wings that are not well suited to walking, and instead use them for gliding and swimming. If they spend too much time on the ground, the friction caused from their wingtips rubbing together starts to fray the membrane that makes up the actual wing.

Green: Making up the largest number in a pack, greens are the chosen hunters and mothers. They possess a strong will and a thick skull and are able to keep the pack relatively in order survival-wise. They are fiercely loyal and almost constantly proddy. They seek in a bond, someone who is organized and able to think in tight situations. Most are female, and all have an acidic breath weapon
Eggs per clutch: ~4-6
Blue: Blues are sharp-tongued, sharp-witted, and quick with their wings. Though all Hathians are natural swimmers, blues are particularly agile in the water. They look for someone of intelligence and stealth when considering a bond. Most are male, and all have an ice-based breath weapon.
Eggs per clutch: ~4-6
Red: Fierce, powerful and angry, reds are the typical image of a fighter. They prefer brute strength over thought, and tend to act on instincts before assessing the situation. Due to this, they are hard to bond and harder to control. They look for honour, strength, and a determination to succeed in a bondmate. Equal numbers of male and female reds can be found. Their breath weapon consists of fire.
Eggs per clutch: ~4-6
Yellow: Yellows are the reclusive thinkers in a Hathian pack. They are intelligent, quiet, extremely shy and easy to startle. Those who bond look for someone who is willing to care for, and protect them. Most are female, and all have breath-weapons of fire and acid.
Eggs per clutch: ~4-6
White: When there are no silvers present in a pack, a white will lead. This is perhaps the only time that a responsible white can be found. They are playful, energetic and talkative. In a bond they require the same qualities, plus a willingness to take risks and enjoy life to the fullest. Most are male, and all have breath-weapons of ice and acid.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-8
Silver: Highest among the colours, thus making them natural leaders. Though all regular colours can be found in any clutch, silvers are hardest to bond. They are solitary, prideful and honourable, and look specifically for leadership qualities in anyone they deem worthy of bonding. There are equal numbers of males to females, and all possess breath-weapons of fire and ice.
Eggs per clutch: ~6-10

Lvarian (Also, Dou Pas)

Lvarian dragons are elemental by nature--even moreso then most element-aligned dragons within the Nexus! The colour of their fur reflects the element they are aligned with, as does their personalities and even vocal capacities! When these dragons breed, usually their offspring are either their colour, the other parent's colour, or a mixture of the two. While no one can be certain (as Dou Pas as a site doesn't seem to be working any more) of what happens when secondary coloured dragons breed with others, it can probably be assumed that they will produce the colours of their parents (for a teal (Rain) dragon, that would be the colours of blue (sky) parent #1 and green (wood) parent #2), as well as the colour of the secondary (teal, in this case) dragon itself.

Below is a list of Lvarian colours, their elements, and other relative information. All Lvarians should produce between four and seven offspring per clutch.

Earth: Coloured yellow, Earth Lvarians are typically introverts, delving into the self far more often then into the world around them. They come with the direction designation of 'center', and resonate with the musical note 'Do'. Typically 55-60' long (Extra Large sized).
Fire: Coloured red, Fire Lvarians are forest and heat loving dragons. Their direction designation is 'south', while their musical note is 'So'. Typically with a length of 15-26' (Medium-Small to Medium sized).
Metal: Coloured white, Metal Lvarians are often brash politicos, entranced with industrial feats and races. Their directional designation is 'west', and their musical note is 'Re'. Typically with a length of 31-41' (Medium-Large sized).
Sky: Coloured blue, Sky Lvarians are often quite open minded, relating strongly with the heavens and the mysteries that lie within that unreachable realm. Their directional designation is, predictably, 'above', while their musical note resonates with 'Ti'. Typically 63-82' long (Extra Large sized).
Water: Coloured black, Water Lvarians are typicaly cool towards others, and often take much time to anger. Their directional designation is 'north', while their musical note is 'La'. Typically 63-68' long (Extra Large sized).
Wood: Coloured green, Wood Lvarians seem to be intuitive, very difficult to anger or even ruffle, and are sensitive to seasonal shifts. Their directional designation is 'east', while their musical note is 'Mi'. Typicall with a length of 36-53' (Medium-Large to Extra Large sized).

Below is a table of secondary offspring from a pairing of primary Lvarian dragons.

Offspring Chart
x Earth Fire Metal Sky Water Wood
FireWildfireFireMetal CraftLightningLuminescenceAsh
MetalOreMetal CraftMetalMeteorRustSpirit


Traits of this breed include a generally reduced size scale from most dragonries: the largest can compare to a small Pernese bronze, while the smallest the size of an Arab horse. Colouration of this breed is based heavily off of the parents. Stripage seems to come naturally with Moire-born dragons, though sometimes this trait doesn't carry over.
Moire-bred dragons will bond with a chosen companion, however this bond isn't as strong as usual, and a dragon can survive without a bond altogether.

Moireans come in all colours and sizes, regardless of gender, and bond to whomever they choose, again regardless of gender.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-12


There are two subbreeds of Mutt to be found at Star City. The differences between the two vary enough that they are really related only in name.

Offworlder Mutt: A dragon born of two different breeds of dragon. The parents of this kind of Mutt may be either two visiting offworlders, or an offworlder and one of the resident Mutts. Traits and setbacks among this variety tend to vary widely: everything from telepathy to telekinesis, to early intelligence and faint magical abilities have been noted. Visibly, traits vary incredibly widely as well. No two clutches of Offworlder Mutt are quite alike, obviously due to parentage and other circumstances.
Eggs per clutch: ~4-20
Native Mutt: A dragon native to Star City (The station), with Native Mutts as parents. The most obvious thing about this kind of Mutt is that it typically has very little in the way of natural adornments. Most Native Mutts have a leathery hide, three-digitted webbed wings, ear-less, horn-less heads, and plain, lizard-like tails. They typically walk on all fours, though they are capable of manipulating objects in their environments with hand-like front paws.
Atuan Mutt: These mutts are similar to those on Star City, but are much more varied in appearance. They are also more variable in size. An Atuan mutt (Names so because they originate from the planet, Atu,) may display any number of traits, from frills to fur, from scales to smooth skin.
Hatching: Native Mutts tend to have small clutch sizes, with about 2-7 eggs at each clutch. Natives almost always hold private hatchings--that is, they tend to lay their clutches either in their own homes, or in smaller hatching bays seperate from the Public Bays. The candidates to attend these hatchings are usually friends of the parents' bonds, and never Native Mutts themselves. At birth a Native must bond another sentient life-form, so long as it isn't another Mutt. Without that first, crucial bond, the dragonet will die. After the bond has occured, the new dragoner will proceed to feed their bond with fresh food, or if they aren't capable of it themselves, they have another person help them. These dragonets tend to grow quickly, reaching full adult size in only a couple of years. During the time between birth and full adult-hood, these dragonets are required to learn the basics of Star City: common courtesies, lodging and working requirements, as well as feeding, flight, and mating restrictions.
Adulthood: An important thing to note about this subbreed is that, although it requires that initial bond, it may exist apart from its bonder so long as its bonder is alive and well. Most Mutts of this variety have a telepathic link and most tend to stick together throughout life, though others work and live apart. A Mutt at adulthood is capable of making its own decisions like any other sentient being, and when it feels the urge to mate, has a couple of options. The first is to, like many other people, find another Mutt and court it the good old-fashioned way, and to lay a private clutch. Another requires the Mutt to register itself to use the Flight Deck. In that case, the Native holds or chases at a public flight, in which the parentage won't be decided until the actual flight occurs. Some Mutts meet each other this way, and settle in together once the clutch is laid. Others simply do it for a fling, and don't require one other to hang around afterwards. Another option for mating is to hold the public flight, and then afterwards to lay a clutch in the Public Bays, in this way throwing open the doors to public candidates. This doesn't happen often, as Natives tend to want to know their candidates well before the hatching occurs.
Death: Unlike many breeds of dragon, Native Mutts do not increase the life-span of their bonds. However long their bond lives remains the same, though the Mutt itself may (and a few do) live on for a great deal afterwards. A Mutt can not survive on its own; instead, it finds another unbonded candidate, and prepares both the candidate and itself for the mental 'hop' that must occur at the death of the previously bonded person. A Mutt can survive for up to three or four lifespans this way, though it will get old and frail itself: the accession from one mind to another is very wearing, and mental deterioration may occur. Many Mutts would prefer to die with their bonds. The death of a Native may cause grief and mental suffering for its bond, though typically the bond-breaking isn't enough to kill the bondee.


Traits of this breed include fire-breathing (after chewing fire-stone), telepathy, self-telekinesis (going between), the ability to form a bond at birth, and high intelligence from a very young age. Set-backs include life-spans directly linked to their riders, and very short, or poor memories.

Green: The smallest and most common of the Pernese breed, greens are agile and fast, but don't have much stamina. They breed often and have small or no clutches. Most are female, and most choose female or overtly homosexual males as bonds.
Eggs per clutch: ~4-6
Blue: Slightly larger than greens, blues are a little less agile, but have higher stamina. They are mostly male, and may choose females or males, though most choose males.
Eggs per clutch: ~4-6
Brown: The median in the Pernese size range, browns have enough stamina to last several hours in strenuous flying conditions before having to rest. They're moderately agile, but don't have the same speed that Blues and Greens do. Most, if not all are male, and most choose males as their bonds. Some choose overtly homosexual females, however.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-8
Bronze: Bronze dragons of the Pernese breed are hulking in size. They have superb stamina, but are very slow to turn, and are comparatively slow to their smaller sisters and brothers. They generally command the highest ranking positions of a Weyr or dragonry, and are the ones most likely to catch a queen in flight. Most, if not all are male. All bronzes choose males as bonds.
Eggs per clutch: ~6-10
Gold: The largest Pernese dragons, these ladies aren't called 'queens' for nothing! They tower above even bronzes, are slow, lumbering fliers, and are more often grounded and egg heavy or laying with their clutches then moving around. Gold dragons command the most respect of any of their breed, and usually are stuck with the job of maintaining their Weyr or Dragonry. Most golds are female, if not all. All golds choose females as bonds.
Eggs per clutch: ~6-12


Though most of the dragons born at Nidus Ryslen are as varied as those born at Star City, a few traits seem to be held in common amonst all hatchlings. Large paws, as well as tapering wings are amongst them.

A 'sub breed' of sorts amongst Ryslen dragons are the Flurry dragons--a plentiful set born of many different parents. The only trait known to be shared between all Flurry dragons is the distinctive snow-flake like markings on some part of each dragon's body.


These dragons are related only because they originated from Tripaldi's Special Clutch Zone. Their apperance, temperments and abilities vary widely, due to genetic tinkering on behalf of the resident's engineers.

Undead Dragons

These dragons are as varied as the Nexus will allow (which means that there really is no limit to what an undead dragon can look like), but one thing that they all have in common is that they no longer (or never were) quite living. These dragons can appear as anything from perfectly normal looking, to rotting, to mere skeletons! Some are even semi-transparent, like a ghost might appear. These dragons are typically not very good-natured, though there are some exceptions. They reproduce (where applicable) by means of 'phantom reproductive organs', hatchlings may or may not bond at birth.
 Wraith dragons are not "true undead", they're not even really dead. Instead they are typically connected to the Spirit Realm, (a term that is equivalent to 'between') and can cross the line between the two dimensions. Most wraith dragons, by name, are descended from a Fantasan species called Dysiniu. There are some, however, that are unrelated, save for their semi-tangible appearance.

Vella Crean

Vella Crean dragons can be seperated into three subgroups, or 'Courts'. Light Court dragons tend to be paler in colour, while Dark Court dragons tend towards blackish shades. There is little known about Blood Court dragons at this time. All Courts come in seven colours, though clutches tend to have more colours of the parents. Hatchlings of all subgroups are crestless, hornless, clawless, and have very soft hides. For more information, please visit here.

The Light Court: A more traditional, honorable subgroup then the others, Light Court dragons are very graceful in appearance. They have forward facing horns over their eyes that curl upwards, a large crest, and small ears. They have the ability to use defensive magic, and can hurl flames of incredible size quite far.

Green: Always female.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15
Blue: Always male.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15
Purple: Can be male or female.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15
Red: Can be male or female.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15
Brown: Always male.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15
Bronze: Always male.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15
Gold: Always female.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15

The Dark Court: Dark Court dragons tend to be a little bulkier then Light Courts while growing up, due to the amount of food consumed. They tend to fight far more physically then their paler cousins, using the poisonous stingers on their tails rather then magic to subdue prey or foes. Dark Court dragons take loyalty to their origins very seriously--upon adolescance and adulthood, any Dark Court dragon that is worthy will journey back to The Vella Crean and swear a traditional fealty to one Isebrithiel and to the Founding Dark Court, there. They will recieve ceremonial scars for their efforts. These dragons are slightly smaller then the Light Court dragons, but they range the same colour spectrum--darkly coloured, instead of light. As for appearance, Dark Court dragons have a fair amount of tusks and horns protruding from their body. Six, tusk-like bones stick out from the base of their necks, jutting faintly to either side of their bodies. Two pairs of horns--one sticking forward, and one sticking back--adorn their heads. Any ceremonial marks are often placed on the hindward facing horns. These dragons are not endurance runners or flyers, rather using speed in attacks. They can speak telepathically, as well as vocally, and secrete venom through their fangs, as well as through the stinger on their tails.

Green: Always female.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15
Blue: Always male.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15
Purple: Can be male or female.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15
Red: Can be male or female.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15
Brown: Always male.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15
Bronze: Always male.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15
Gold: Always female.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15

The Blood Court: There is very little recorded about the Blood Court dragons of the Vella Crean. What is known is that they typically display blood-like markings on paws and muzzle, have a pair of backwards-jutting horns behind their eyes, and sport webbed tines over neck, ears and tail-tip. The Blood Court is that which connects the Dark to the Light, and keeps the two polar Courts from going to war.

Green: Always female.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15
Blue: Always male.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15
Purple: Can be male or female.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15
Red: Can be male or female.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15
Brown: Always male.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15
Bronze: Always male.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15
Gold: Always female.
Eggs per clutch: ~5-15


Traits of this breed vary drastically from dragon to dragon. However, most have one or a few majyckal abilites that vary from various breath-weapons, to more traditional majyckal, to size shifting. Dragons from this breed tend to be very independant, or to form packs with other dragons of their own breed.

Extra Small: 10' long, 5' tall (White/Very Small Green-sized)
Eggs per clutch: ~2-3
Small: 11-15' long, 6-7' tall (Average Green-sized)
Eggs per clutch: ~2-4
Medium-Small: 16-20' long, 8-10' tall (Average Blue-sized)
Eggs per clutch: ~4-6
Medium:21-30' long, 11-15' tall(Average Brown-sized)
Eggs per clutch: ~6-9
Medium-Large: 31-40' long, 16-20' tall (Average Bronze-sized)
Eggs per clutch: ~9-13
Large: 41-50' long, 21-25' tall (Average Gold-sized)
Eggs per clutch: ~13-18
Extra-Large: 51-60'+ long, 26-30'+ tall (Large Gold-sized)
Eggs per clutch: ~18-20+


Traits of this breed include self-telekinesis, incredibly strong telepathy, acid blood, high endurance, high intelligence from an early age, extremely well-tuned senses, and a strong sense of loyalty. Set-backs of this breed include a very poor temper and tendencies towards violence and maliciousness.
There are two sub-breeds of xenodragon, determined by birth-type. The first, and most common of the two are Chest-bursters. These are born of face-hugger embryos, which in turn are hatched from unfertilized xenodragon eggs, or the eggs of burster-type queens. Those born of unfertilized eggs tend to be less intelligent then their true-dragon brethren, comparable in mind-set to 'flits'. They bond in groups, to each other and to their queen (or creature of a similar mind-set) upon bursting from their host's chest. From the time they're born, a 'burster will spend about a month in their first form. After that, they create a cacoon for themselves, and will emerge as full-grown adults within about half a day, give or take a few hours.
The second type of xenodragon results from the fertilized egg of any xenodragon female. These hatch directly from the egg, requiring no bloodshed and no host to survive. They are usually far more intelligent, and tend to bond to only one other mind (to would-be queens, in natural scenarios). They have the ability to choose their bond, however, so if the right candidates are present, they may be chosen. This sub-breed also retains its dragon-like appearance more then the malleable 'burster. Growth from hatchling to full adult occurs within anywhere from half a year to a full year.
Both sub-breeds go through a metamorphosing stage in their lives, much like many insects. During this time, the xenodragon will confine itself to a self-made cocoon and molt its exoskeleton. It will then go through one massive "growth spurt", exude a new exoskeletal layer, and emerge a whole new dragon. This occurs only once during either sub-breed's life.
Drone: The workers of the xenodragon breed, these come in both 'burster and dragon varieties. They come in any colour on black (rarely on white). Most are neuter, or sexless, though some are males or females. They bond either gender with equal numbers.
Eggs per clutch: 0 (regular variety)/1-3 (dragon variety)
Warrior: The fighters, warriors are slightly larger, spinier, and a lot more vicious then their drone siblings. The come in any colour on black (rarely white). Most are neuter, or sexless, though some are males or females. They bond either gender with equal numbers.
Eggs per clutch: 0 (regular variety)/2-6 (dragon variety)
Queen: Like golds of the Pernese breed, xenodragon queens are the big bosses of their breed. They have huge head-crests, are larger then both warriors and drones, and are unbelievably agile and intelligent. They rarely, if ever derive from the 'burster variety of xenodragon. They come in any colour on black (rarely white). All are female (obviously), and all, if they choose to bond at all, take a female as their bonds.
Eggs per clutch: 5-12


Form for Dragon info

This form should be filled out if you'd like your breed of dragon included in this index

General Section: Includes traits that all dragons possess (like Moire stripes, Pernese betweening, etc.), as well as general temperments if they're breed-wide (like xeno maliciousness). Also includes info on bonding (can your breed of dragon survive without a bond?).

Colour/Size section: Lists more info based on colour, size and/or other subdivision (ie. Pern dragons' green, blue, brown, bronze and gold sections) In each colour(etc.)'s section, list a short description of the sub-breed, like their size range, bonding preferences (male vs. female, if one is preferred over the other) and the range in the size of their clutches.