
Adoption Rules

  1. Do not take images that don't belong to you!
  2. There are several levels of adopting:
    • Sign the form without further effort.
    • Create a character/setting (bare bones) stats page to include with your form.
    • Write a more in depth stats page, story, or setting to include with your form.
    • Commission a random or custom dragon.

    The more effort you put into your submission, the more likely I will be to heed your favorites (or least-favorites!)
  3. Link back to the center on your dragon's page. (Please use 'Kalyturn's Hybridization Center' instead of 'here'). The link is here:
  4. Send one form at a time! Multiple Adoption Forms will be deleted!
  5. No more then three dragons per page!
  6. Once you have paged your dragon, email me the link so that I can update my records. While I have no set due dates, I will occasionally check back, and if there is no link, I will abandon your dragon. I will give you one warning, but that's it.
  7. I reserve the right to take back any dragon if due dates and special requirements are not met.

Breeding Rules

  1. There are certain dragons/creatures that can not be bred. Please check the Allowable List to see if your dragon may breed here or not.
  2. If the forms say that breedings are closed, then do not send in a breeding form. I will delete it.
  3. Typically, I will accept breeding forms during a certain period of time. Either keep your eye on the Forms Page for 'Breedings Open', or get your updates via The Nexus.
  4. Be certain that your dragons are compatible with one another! Check the Universal Size Chart to make sure that they are within one size-group (medium->medium-large, medium small) of one another!
  5. You may only send in one form at a time.
  6. Your form may not be accepted the first time around. If you do not receive a dragon from your form, it is either because I am too busy, of your dragons didn't meet the requirements. I will email you about the latter, and if you got no reply, simply send them in again the next time the forms are open.
  7. Unconventional Breedings are limited, so be on the lookout for them.
  8. Once your dragon breeds, you will get one of their offspring. I will keep another, and ten more will go out to random adopters. You will get a list of the siblings (along with their colours, for pedigree purposes) and I will keep up to date Records of where their offspring are.
  9. I prefer to breed offspring from dragons that I have drawn, so if I'm in a crunch, those forms will most likely take precedence over forms with dragons drawn by other people.

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