Adoption Rules
- Do not take images that don't belong to you!
- There are several levels of adopting:
- Sign the form without further effort.
- Create a character/setting (bare bones) stats page to include with your form.
- Write a more in depth stats page, story, or setting to include with your form.
- Commission a random or custom dragon.
The more effort you put into your submission, the more likely I will be to heed your favorites (or least-favorites!)
- Link back to the center on your dragon's page. (Please use 'Kalyturn's Hybridization Center' instead of 'here'). The link is here:
- Send one form at a time! Multiple Adoption Forms will be deleted!
- No more then three dragons per page!
- Once you have paged your dragon, email me the link so that I can update my records. While I have no set due dates, I will occasionally check back, and if there is no link, I will abandon your dragon. I will give you one warning, but that's it.
- I reserve the right to take back any dragon if due dates and special requirements are not met.
Breeding Rules
- There are certain dragons/creatures that can not be bred. Please check the Allowable List to see if your dragon may breed here or not.
- If the forms say that breedings are closed, then do not send in a breeding form. I will delete it.
- Typically, I will accept breeding forms during a certain period of time. Either keep your eye on the Forms Page for 'Breedings Open', or get your updates via The Nexus.
- Be certain that your dragons are compatible with one another! Check the Universal Size Chart to make sure that they are within one size-group (medium->medium-large, medium small) of one another!
- You may only send in one form at a time.
- Your form may not be accepted the first time around. If you do not receive a dragon from your form, it is either because I am too busy, of your dragons didn't meet the requirements. I will email you about the latter, and if you got no reply, simply send them in again the next time the forms are open.
- Unconventional Breedings are limited, so be on the lookout for them.
- Once your dragon breeds, you will get one of their offspring. I will keep another, and ten more will go out to random adopters. You will get a list of the siblings (along with their colours, for pedigree purposes) and I will keep up to date Records of where their offspring are.
- I prefer to breed offspring from dragons that I have drawn, so if I'm in a crunch, those forms will most likely take precedence over forms with dragons drawn by other people.
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