
Below you will find a list of the permanent residents of Kalyturn's Hybridization center, along with some pertinent information about them. Please click on an image to see further information about each resident.


Breeding Availability: None!
Gender: Female

Kalyturn is the creator and owner of the Hybridization center. Little is currently known about her, as she rarely seems to actually visit the area. She does check in with her two aides, occasionally, and is responsible for the remodeling of the center's physical appearance, as well as for the well-being of all of her residents and newly-born dragons.


Breeding Availability: Not at the moment.
Gender: Female
One of Kalyturn's two aides, you'll often see Shadow welcoming visitors and giving guided tours. She is responsible for the center's PR, especially for other quadrupeds. She is also responsible for the housing of candidates, sponsors, newly bonded pairs, potential breeding pairs or groups, and other people who might wish to stay at the Center for extended periods of time.


Breeding Availability: Available
Gender: Female
Veritas is the second of Kalyturn's two aides, and she is responsible for overseeing the actual process from breeding to bonding. This dragoness will schedule flights and retrieve physical remnants of groups who wish to bond, will keep careful track of each clutch or litter (there are always twelve dragonets per breeding), and announces when dragonets are available for adoption.


Breeding Availability: Available
Gender: Male
The psionic mastermind behind unconventional breedings, Paragon has a dextrous mind and knows the ins and outs of how life works. He gets most of his orders directly from Kalyturn in order to create embryos to match her goals. He has such fine-tuned control of his abilities that he can manipulate individual cells, though his control of genetics mostly extends to manipulation of colours and genetic aberrations. He is also jokingly referred to as the 'copy/paster', with his ability to tease duplicate eggs from a single sample, or to create haploid cells from diploid samples.


Breeding Availability: Available
Gender: Male
One of the first offspring to be born at the Center, Terraness tends to tag along with Shadow to help greet visitors--though he often makes his rounds on other residents.


Breeding Availability: Available
Gender: Female
April, another of the Center's offspring, tends to provide company during the night, to help others get safely where they need to go when it's dark and there aren't enough lanterns to help guide the way.


Breeding Availability: Available
Gender: Male
An'phel is the Center's resident medic, although he isn't trained to deal with severe injuries. He's best at treating scratches and bruises, and with cheering up anybody who's feeling unhappy.


Breeding Availability: Available
Gender: Female
Glass serves no purpose at the Center, save to make herself a nuisance to bring attention to herself. She usually ends up cavorting with globs of dragonets, simply because she has a more like-minded attitude.

Muksko Kesoko

Breeding Availability: Unconventional Breedings Only
Gender: Neuter
The librarian for the Center, Muksko (ironically, due to its firey nature) tends the paper-bound books along with the electronic and magical files that the Center has to offer. It is usually found filing old records and doing research into the rest of the Nexus from the comfort of its own lair.

Phasmus Rufasilex

Breeding Availability: Available
Gender: Male
Phasmus is a jovial fellow who lingers around the Center simply for companionship. He tends to help out wherever he can, but is most often found on a stream-bank near the main entrance, reading a good book or file.

Tabla Stac'Ver

Breeding Availability: Available
Gender: Female
Tabla is one of the Center's unofficial Search-dragons, though she tends to leave invitations for offworlders rather then impose on them to return with her. She's out more often then not, but still calls the Center her home.


Breeding Availability: Available
Gender: Male
A goodnatured trickster, Phret hangs around the Center to greet newcomers... and potentially teach them a lesson or two!


Breeding Availability: Available
Gender: Male
A sentry of sorts, Bloodmoon keeps watch on who enters and leaves the Center during the night, but during the day he remains quite hidden inside his den.

Other Residents

Below you will find links to some of the other residents of the Center who aren't directly involved with Kalyturn's hybridization project. Most, if not all of them are unbreedable, as they come with different rules from the Nexus', so please don't ask to mesh them with the above dragons or with your own.

View the Lil' Pets
View the Myopy
View the Nephkigal
View the Piccolos
View the resident felines